Message from @ihatetrainyards
Discord ID: 684346724881268764
charlamagne i think you call him
Karl der Große
^would be his german name
The stupidest name we could have given him
jast call him karl the great
i mean that sounds way more prestigious and way less french
he would be upsett if he found out that his name sounds like some backwards shitty restaurant in paris
Carolus Magnus, the latins called him
and we butchered it
yea but yall nigglets aint latins
your english
and in english his name is King Karl(Charles) the great
Why couldn't we just call him Charles the great?
What was wrong with that?
Its the latin's fault
na the latins are long gone
now its just up to you how you call him
I am Andronikos Incarnate.
Fucking Latins
The guy that ordered her execution: My family name says "pig". Sounds about right!
Sounds just like "cochon", which means "pig"
"Joan, an ardent Catholic who hated all forms of heresy (together with Islam), also sent a letter challenging the English to leave France and go with her to Bohemia to fight the Hussites, an offer that went unanswered."
>implying that Joan of Arc is enough to outweigh Edward III, Alfred the Great, William the Conqueror, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth I, and Henry V.
>Implying that Joan of Arc is enough to outweigh Frederick the Great, Helmut von Moltke the Elder, Otto von Bismarck, Gebhard Leberecht von Blucher
An' luk ad us neow! Bruddas in aerms!
why tf does the Scottish dude have a clean face>
He should have a FULL fucking beard
Celtic tribes