Message from @SirW00f

Discord ID: 554777747478544412

2019-03-11 21:15:35 UTC  

Excellent job by Pompeo pointing out the evils of Socialism and Cuban/Russian involvement

2019-03-11 21:18:46 UTC  

former soviet involvement ...most of the russians i know never want to be socialist ever again

2019-03-11 21:19:11 UTC  

they were born and raised in it...they hated it once they discovered freedom

2019-03-11 21:21:52 UTC  

those that were in power in the soviet period ...are still in secret pushing soviet socialist agenda

2019-03-11 21:23:19 UTC  

I had a college professor who was an expert on Russia. Lived under USSR during the KGB days as part of his studies. Those people had awful lives. Constantly in fear for saying the wrong thing. Then he went back when things started to change and did another sabbatical. Things improved. I was long gone by the time he went back the third time.

2019-03-11 21:24:52 UTC  

More young people need to know what Socialism/Communism really means

2019-03-11 21:25:16 UTC  

notice pompeo says it's russia/moscow ...not putin

2019-03-11 21:25:42 UTC  

those still in power behind the scenes that were in power during the soviet era

2019-03-11 21:26:36 UTC  

I really hope Putin is a decent human......

2019-03-11 21:26:54 UTC  

thats all we can ever hope

2019-03-11 21:26:54 UTC  

far as i know he hates pedos more than trump

2019-03-11 21:27:16 UTC  

he has 2 daughters and he really wants to protect them from the monsters

2019-03-11 21:27:19 UTC  

he seems to have been aware that things are going into a very specific direction, mentioned it a few times in summits

2019-03-11 21:28:02 UTC  

he did start in the kgb...but later went into the fsb ...most of his cases were pedo arrests

2019-03-11 21:28:13 UTC  

new Q

2019-03-11 21:28:16 UTC  

til he ran for office

2019-03-11 21:28:18 UTC  

Thinking that Putin might have more leverage in punishing pedos...... 😃

2019-03-11 21:28:19 UTC  

thanks low!

2019-03-11 21:28:34 UTC  

in poland, they practice chemical castration

2019-03-11 21:28:38 UTC  

look it up

2019-03-11 21:28:42 UTC  

Time in Russia?
Do you believe in coincidences?
Intercepts are revealing.
Gotcha Q

2019-03-11 21:28:58 UTC  

i think it would be a good course of action in NA

2019-03-11 21:29:19 UTC  

Personally I believe in medical castration........snip snip

2019-03-11 21:29:20 UTC  

going to read these Q drops, ttyl

2019-03-11 21:30:16 UTC  

almost every nation with the words of either 'democratic' or 'socialist' in their gov style ..will have a deeply embedded ds if not controlling ds in the open

2019-03-11 21:30:34 UTC  

They always seem corrupt

2019-03-11 21:30:41 UTC  

which is majority of the nations on this planet

2019-03-11 21:32:10 UTC  

😔 Seems like humans like power and control way too much. Always at the expense of their brethren

2019-03-11 21:33:36 UTC  

indeed that is the human condition

2019-03-11 21:34:14 UTC  

the bible / Scripture and the rule of law are the reason why we got as far as we have this time around.

2019-03-11 21:35:03 UTC  

made people aware of the higher state of being and the importance of not falling victim to ego and physical wants

2019-03-11 21:35:16 UTC  

if anything, those wants are what where seeded through the apple

2019-03-11 21:50:08 UTC  

Did you guys know that Edward Snowden did a Eulogy for John Perry Barlow?

2019-03-11 21:50:40 UTC

2019-03-11 21:51:49 UTC  

Seems like JPB was who brought Edward S. into the limelight

2019-03-11 21:52:18 UTC

2019-03-11 21:53:50 UTC  

i used to be a supporter and follower of the EFF

2019-03-11 21:54:17 UTC  

but i eventually saw the turning of the tides within it...i'm sorry he didn't see it til it was too late

2019-03-11 21:54:30 UTC  

Nice find 👍🏼 Q is trolling Snowden hard .. I think it's [destination] left open in the brackets post 3019