Message from @FredBoat♪♪
Discord ID: 478932317004365835
Fuck me
;;play ratchet and clank ost
Song **#1** has been selected: **Ratchet & Clank - The Complete Original Soundtrack** (02:54:53)
The queue has been emptied, `1` track has been removed.
;;play ratchet and clank 2 ost
;;play ratchet and clank 2 ost
Song **#1** has been selected: **Ratchet and Clank 2: Going Commando - The Complete Original Soundtrack** (03:16:15)
The player is now paused. You can unpause it with `;;unpause`.
!play shadilay first national bank of bitcoin
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 `shadilay first national bank of bitcoin`
**Playing** 🎶 `I just bought a Lamborghini with Bitcoin` - Now!
⏩ ***Skipped*** 👍
!play shadilay first national bank of gamestop
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 `shadilay first national bank of gamestop`
**Playing** 🎶 `4chan Shorts: First National Bank of Gamestop` - Now!
Ya know I would join vc but at school rn
Nice cup
My dad got it a week ago in the US
Ima drink coffee out it
All users have left the voice channel. The player has been paused.
The player will now play.
All users have left the voice channel. The player has been paused.
The player will now play.
All users have left the voice channel. The player has been paused.
The player will now play.
The player is already playing.
All users have left the voice channel. The player has been paused.
@Hauptsturmführer der Gestapo mein nig