Message from @noobypropmaker

Discord ID: 643340494583234593

2019-11-11 06:21:29 UTC  

then expect the worst

2019-11-11 06:22:01 UTC  

that way youll always either be right or happily surprised

2019-11-11 06:22:39 UTC  

and force yourself to get to know the person before you actually treat them as a partner (ie: putting weight into their words)

2019-11-11 06:24:15 UTC  

yeah, I always expect the worst at the start, then the girl really picks me up. We typically have at least a few months of pure heaven. Then everything goes to shit in less than a week, always does.

2019-11-11 06:24:53 UTC  

Never get rid of the idea of a bad outcome

2019-11-11 06:25:18 UTC  

Always keep the idea in the back of your mind as a reminder as things could suddenly turn

2019-11-11 06:25:44 UTC  

And when we say stand up for yourself were not talking about defending yourself

2019-11-11 06:25:52 UTC  


2019-11-11 06:25:56 UTC  

Were talking about nit taking any petty excuse

2019-11-11 06:26:14 UTC  

Not taking the garbage that someone will say to cover their asses

2019-11-11 06:26:50 UTC  

It's putting your foot down and saying "no, what you did was wrong and unforgivable"

2019-11-11 06:27:37 UTC  

only problem is: I only get GF's when I'm going through a 'go getter' phase. When I'm my normal self I always expect the worst, always. I'm a very nihilistic guy who doesn't believe anything besides the voices in my head. that's why nobody wants to date me, I'm way too negative for a happy-go-lucky girl I'd want. Rip.

2019-11-11 06:30:44 UTC  

also, call me childish, I really hate to stick it to a girl when what she did was bad. good example is of Haedyn (latest breakup) she called me a bitch and had a plethora of bullshit to spew about me and I still couldn't get *that* mad. I was upset for like 10 minutes. I love people too much to hurt their feelings 90% of the time. It just hurts to upset people I still care about, I know it's stupid, It's just a habit.

2019-11-11 06:34:19 UTC  

And that's the problem. You're afraid to say no, to stand your ground, etc. I used to be the same but after all the shit that happened i realised that some peopl just deserve to get called out like your recent break up. The two of you went through so much BS toghether and she just up and left you over what, being concerned for her, loving her. That's just some straight bull if you ask me

2019-11-11 06:35:26 UTC  

I'm sorry to say but there's just some cases where you have to stand up for ypurself and show that you can be just as stern as the other person whether you like it or not

2019-11-11 06:35:51 UTC  

And theres a diffrence between sticking it to em and calling em out, and doing full blown revenge

2019-11-11 06:41:07 UTC  

Fucking why.
This fucking god damn suck.
I sleep for what felt like 1000 years but end up waking up a hour before my alarm goes off? Not only that, it was only 3 hours of sleep so I still feel shitty reeeeeee

2019-11-11 06:41:50 UTC  

Because sleeping is ass sometimes

2019-11-11 06:42:31 UTC  

>sleep is ass
>mfw I'm constantly chasing the booty

2019-11-11 06:43:10 UTC  

>casin' the booty

2019-11-11 06:45:26 UTC  

Fuck i didn't mean it like that

2019-11-11 06:47:42 UTC  

Kek it was a joke. I know what you were saying.

2019-11-11 06:47:46 UTC  

@noobypropmaker thanks for the advice

2019-11-11 06:50:29 UTC  

try to be more assertive if your next break up ends in a similar fashion or they cheat on you

2019-11-11 06:50:35 UTC  

Good luck fam

2019-11-11 06:55:22 UTC  

Also a joke. Calm down. I'm glad everything is okay.

2019-11-11 08:42:08 UTC  

@bdog still fucking lame and you know you're not supposed to shitpost in here like that

2019-11-11 08:43:37 UTC  

Something happened?

2019-11-11 08:44:30 UTC  

Yeah I checked

2019-11-11 08:46:45 UTC  


2019-11-11 08:47:24 UTC  

I can see you thought making a joke would

2019-11-11 08:47:28 UTC  


2019-11-11 08:47:41 UTC  

Take a bit of weight from her situation

2019-11-11 08:48:12 UTC  

But I also can see why she'd hate it

2019-11-11 08:51:25 UTC  

It's the only channel in the server where we can be compassionate to each other with or without being called a faggot

2019-11-11 08:52:58 UTC  

Mostly without

2019-11-11 08:53:10 UTC  

Let's try to keep it nice in here

2019-11-11 09:13:53 UTC  

I'd take it better if I wasn't sick of getting treated like shit this entire week

2019-11-11 09:15:29 UTC  

The kikes at Allstate might decide to fucking junk the car if they decide it's too expensive to repair, so I'm also very upset about that because I love this car a lot

2019-11-11 09:24:20 UTC  

Hope the car cab get repaired sheep. Sorry the week has been awful

2019-11-11 09:26:51 UTC  

I asked my bf to talk to me tonight so I could vent some of my frustrations about work and he bailed on me