Message from @Amerikek

Discord ID: 659764422503301142

2019-12-26 14:12:59 UTC  


2019-12-26 14:13:43 UTC  

I *can* however work my way up the figurative totem pole and change positions here and there

2019-12-26 14:13:47 UTC  

So I take it the casino is understaffed in the kitchen?

2019-12-26 14:13:59 UTC  

We're chronically understaffed in all our departments

2019-12-26 14:14:05 UTC  


2019-12-26 14:14:46 UTC  

How come? Surely there would be a few people looking for a job right?

2019-12-26 14:15:11 UTC  

The place has a reputation for a high turn over rate

2019-12-26 14:15:25 UTC  

Plus we're not that big of an area with that many people

2019-12-26 14:16:21 UTC  

The sister restaurant keeps hemorrhaging cashiers

2019-12-26 14:16:30 UTC  

We had 3 cashiers quit in 1 night

2019-12-26 14:17:02 UTC  

Why would 3 quit in one night?

2019-12-26 14:17:16 UTC  

The customers and the kitchen staff are fucking assholes

2019-12-26 14:18:03 UTC  

They hired a new cashier, he's this really skinny tall Christian guy who's really dorky but really nice, there's been a couple nights where he's been in absolute tears because everyone on his side are so mean and nasty to each other and him

2019-12-26 14:19:24 UTC  

He's in a position where he can't afford to quit and find another job, because the casino is the only place around here (asides from a major chain like Walmart) that gives a steady 40 hours a week schedule

2019-12-26 14:19:49 UTC  

They *say* 40 hours a week, it's really more like 50-60 hours a week

2019-12-26 14:20:18 UTC  

Why would they be mean to him? What'd he do to provoke them?

2019-12-26 14:20:55 UTC  

Nothing; when we get busy, people get really angry and impatient because they're overworked and underpaid

2019-12-26 14:21:58 UTC  

We have this pattern where the people who're nice jump ship and leave because they can't handle how nasty some people get here

2019-12-26 14:22:55 UTC  


2019-12-26 14:28:03 UTC  

Sorry to hear that.

2019-12-26 14:28:16 UTC  

So how's your relationship with Sean?

2019-12-26 14:29:57 UTC  


2019-12-26 14:30:11 UTC  

not good

2019-12-26 14:35:57 UTC  

Why, what's troubling you?

2019-12-26 14:36:11 UTC  

he strung me along for 4 months

2019-12-26 14:36:23 UTC  


2019-12-26 14:36:26 UTC  


2019-12-26 14:37:03 UTC  

How so, what'd he do?

2019-12-26 14:37:08 UTC  

I've been there before. Dated someone a couple winters ago, bought them semi-expensive gifts for Christmas, and after the holidays she dumped my ass

2019-12-26 14:37:10 UTC  


2019-12-26 14:38:01 UTC  

he acted like he was my boyfriend, even referred to me as his "girlfriend" to other people, turned around and rejected me, "I don't want a relationship, I thought I made that clear"

2019-12-26 14:39:39 UTC  

He started being really mean to me (he was trying to be funny, but he was being really nasty) to the point I started cutting

2019-12-26 14:40:28 UTC  

Yowch, that must have hurt.

2019-12-26 14:40:42 UTC  

Sorry ya had to go through that.

2019-12-26 14:41:03 UTC  


2019-12-26 14:41:58 UTC  

I'm bad with words but if you were dating im sure that sort of behavior would have found a way to manifest itself so hopefully it was you dodging something more harmful

2019-12-26 14:42:10 UTC  

I threatened to kill myself a couple times, and Sean thought I was joking
My boss talked to him and set him straight about it

2019-12-26 14:42:44 UTC  

<:feelsbadman:589929333074821140> that's tough

2019-12-26 14:42:59 UTC  

He's not supposed to talk to me or act meanly to me, otherwise he'll get in trouble

2019-12-26 14:44:36 UTC  

I still really like him a lot, his demeanor around me has really changed and gotten really somber/solemn
Usually he's joking and laughing a lot but he's been really quiet

2019-12-26 14:47:49 UTC  

Maybe he feels bad? No idea. But he could have handled all of that much better.