Message from @WTRP
Discord ID: 590203654833831937
I've never really seen old spice round where i live but if i had to buy some myself i would give it a try i guess
I've never had to buy deoderant/ antiperspirant because as a teen you always get a years supply of it at christmas from relatives that don't know what to get you
Some are pine-y....... well, they mainly aim their scents on the great wild outdoors stuff.
@W A T E R lol. That's not part of my lifehood
I'm 17 so that's most of what i get at christmas and birthdays
I never got that
Either that or jumpers socks and pyjamas
Are you a brit
Le frenchman is french canadian if you were asking him
Nah I knew that
Ah right are you a brit?
Nope Canadian lol
I just noticed you say jumper and I've only seen people from Britain or SA say that
Oh right
There's a lot off difference between british and north american words it seems
I can't believe you guys call taps faucets
for example
Canadian English has some deviations which means we'll use both the British and the American words for things
Makes sense
Some northern US states and canada are apparently looked down upon for calling fizzy drinks pop instead of soda
I get why soda is used because a lot of fizzy drinks were made with soda water
Here, we call that "liqueur"
I mean non alchoholic drinks
It's in French
Yeah i know
it's not "liquOr"
In Bongland we just call it fizzy drinks XD
Nah a lot of people i know call it pop
Never heard anyone calling them either pop or soda
Anyone that does is mocked for being an American
btw @Le Frenchman liquor is spelled liqueur in british english
well, just add a "U" and you get liqueur, the French word for soda/pop/fizz
sorry misspelled that
wow, ok