Message from @doodguy
Discord ID: 515011860014301211
We could have international Interpol/coastguard surrounding it 24/7
And we can plant some bases in Mozambique
if the boer ethnostate ever happens I am sure they will guard the place
Or maybe the natives will just eat them lol
I would think the 25 million current inhabitants have to be offered relocation somewhere. Mozambique I guess.
pretty sure they are mostly bantu so send them back above the equator with all the rest and fuck them.
Or why not send (((them))) to Antarctica lol
I wish that could work. I am trying to look at this realistically tho.
I had also considered the New Siberean Islands as well as Tazmania.
Madagascar might be the best from a realistic standpoint. Tho I still would prefer Mauritius.
They need an opportunity to learn to farm and stuff. To try and actually live by labor. So they need some land. I guess then Madagascar.
I don't want the virus to be so close to Australia.
New Siberean and Antartica don't offer much hospitable land or farming land.
To be honest some of them do know how to work hard doing labor. the issue is just as the bankers take over in our culture their is a group with in the jewish group that scheme to control the rest.
Someone was talking about this. Can't remember where I saw it. In ancient times, the Jews had the hard working Jews and then the uppity banker types. The banker types scoffed at and looked down upon the hard working ones. Can't remember how the rest of that went. But yea, NAXALT.
we still has baby sacrificing fucks though so.
Jews were often excluded from society for endorsing usury
Send them to North Korea since they love communism so much
Juche Communism isn't even a type of communism they'll be familiar with
because they have taken whatever positives stalinist communism had and heavily modified it to not starve people so much and try to at least when viewed from a distance make life comfortable
because besides the big buildings, parades, music that's way better than both kpop and their "friends" communist music, their clothes look pretty cool too
north korean women's dresses look very nice and curb stomp anything south korea or china makes
Biggest problem with juche communism is that it's too authoritarian but it should be remembered that the one thing you can't really criticize them for is their "democracy"
because here in America they have it set up that nobody votes in the May elections and only encourage people to vote during November
meaning that realistically, there are only two options every single time for most if not all positions
not much difference between having a choice between two people and one people
Anybody got any salt on twitter over the iotbw marches?
Carlson beat shapiros ass
the romaine lettuce E Coli outbreak is caused by migrants shitting (literally) on our food.
Happy dead injun day to all fellow burgers on this server
For without the indians sacrifice, the donner party would not have survived a harsh winter.
I think thats how the story goes... >.>
I’m in contact with Patrick Little now, and am in his server!
I’m so excited that I can finally do something productive
Nice, what are you going to be working on?