Message from @Clitzkrieg

Discord ID: 672587891146358784

2020-01-30 23:40:05 UTC  

it's so fucking easy to make a soup or something

2020-01-30 23:40:17 UTC  

you don't need to go to McDonalds for that shit

2020-01-30 23:40:32 UTC  

Learn to make sauces with roux

2020-01-30 23:40:46 UTC  


2020-01-30 23:41:13 UTC  

Learn the basics of cooking shit in an ven

2020-01-30 23:41:29 UTC  

>don't add any moisture to fatty meats

2020-01-30 23:41:44 UTC  


2020-01-30 23:41:55 UTC  


2020-01-30 23:41:58 UTC  

everything is so fucking easy

2020-01-30 23:42:06 UTC  

ah fuck im talking too much again

2020-01-30 23:42:06 UTC  

maybe i will finally stop being such a lazy bastard then

2020-01-30 23:42:12 UTC  


2020-01-30 23:42:16 UTC  

i get u

2020-01-30 23:42:32 UTC  

sometimes you do wanna share nuggets of wisdom in shitposting

2020-01-30 23:42:53 UTC  

I've seen people actually have to explain what's roux in american cooking videos

2020-01-30 23:43:18 UTC  

tbh i don't know what roux is either but im guessing its good shit

2020-01-30 23:43:24 UTC  


2020-01-30 23:43:33 UTC  

basically you heat up some oil

2020-01-30 23:43:44 UTC  

and put sifted flour into it

2020-01-30 23:43:54 UTC  

wait until it cooks a bit

2020-01-30 23:44:09 UTC  

depends what kinda sauce you want

2020-01-30 23:44:20 UTC  


2020-01-30 23:44:25 UTC  

for how long you want to cook it

2020-01-30 23:44:29 UTC  

sounds like low effort savoury doughnuts

2020-01-30 23:44:42 UTC  

and then you pour a liquid over it

2020-01-30 23:44:56 UTC  

usually chicken stock or something similar

2020-01-30 23:45:31 UTC  

you add some cooked vegetables and you have a super simple fucking sauce

2020-01-30 23:45:48 UTC  

oh yeah and you have to cook it for 30 minutes before you add anything

2020-01-30 23:46:06 UTC  

or it'll taste like shit

2020-01-30 23:46:33 UTC  

well that's one way of thickening sauces or soups

2020-01-30 23:46:59 UTC  

you can also do with bread or by just sifting flour into boiling water

2020-01-30 23:47:20 UTC  

but roux is the fucking basis most people should know how to make

2020-01-30 23:47:55 UTC  

ok that does sound epic lad

2020-01-30 23:48:14 UTC  

I know

2020-01-30 23:48:27 UTC  

you've convinced me to try making it maybe tomorrow if i have any good oil in the house

2020-01-30 23:48:43 UTC  


2020-01-30 23:48:54 UTC  

I'll DM you some tips

2020-01-30 23:48:59 UTC  


2020-01-30 23:49:04 UTC  

but try to go with a recipe, not on your own

2020-01-30 23:49:13 UTC  


2020-01-30 23:50:45 UTC  

i'll probably try and get out more soon