Message from @Ted Kaczynski
Discord ID: 683044666027147335
dining room looks based.
Though it might be a bit cramped for people who sit near the window.
They're all gonna come in here and go "Oh look at all these blackpilled doomers"
Cus I want the world to end
@Amerikek yes, we are uhhhh trading announcements since there is a lot of overlap between the communities
now its extra based
I dig it.
Guys help
Im taking a shit and there is no toilet paper
you know what they say
Be a man...
@Ted Kaczynski is there a bidet nearby?
use your hands...
Hands @Ted Kaczynski
You got em for a reason bud
Use the Army Standard.
Standard Issue Right/Left Hand.
Use your tongue, like a cat
>tfw under 18s not allowed on corona server
Ideally I wanna have a bathroom, bedroom, and office where I gayme and do other shit.
The dinning area and kitchen separation looks a bit weird
Nah I think that's alright.
Actually -
I see what you mean, it is a bit weird.
The wall could be removed and the only "separation" would be the counter
Ah, alright.
my uncle has his dining area and kitchen exactly like that
Yea because he's epic
i think it looks good when you arch the door in some way
The wall in the middle of the entrance to the kitchen and dinning area would be a support wall.
Thing is about the seperation though, is that the "counter" is a pantry.