Message from @Amerikek
Discord ID: 683051797643788296
Ideally I wanna have a bathroom, bedroom, and office where I gayme and do other shit.
The dinning area and kitchen separation looks a bit weird
Nah I think that's alright.
Actually -
I see what you mean, it is a bit weird.
The wall could be removed and the only "separation" would be the counter
Ah, alright.
my uncle has his dining area and kitchen exactly like that
Yea because he's epic
i think it looks good when you arch the door in some way
The wall in the middle of the entrance to the kitchen and dinning area would be a support wall.
Thing is about the seperation though, is that the "counter" is a pantry.
Is it a single-floor house?
Yeah but it's gonna have a basement
For a sleeping room, then that could be in the basement
because just sleeping on your couche would be a bit ghetto
Also, where's the bathroom? In the basement?
That's why it looks so weird
ok. Just with that sketch, it looks pretty small.
Yeah, I'm trying to aim for 1000 sq ft.
Right now it's 655 sq ft.
@Corinthian Oi u chink bro.
I see this symbol in Korean comments all the fucking time ㅋㅋㅋ
What does it mean?
Is it an onomatopeia? like a sound effect? Is it kekking?
Also, it makes makes things easier if you were to just make a plain rectangle, for the house shape. I don't see why it would warrant such a weird shape that makes it smaller.
ㅠㅠ This also
Probably laughing @Duke of Txtspeak
@Le Frenchman Yeah lemme shoe you the shape if it were a finished plan
wow damn. That's much bigger
You can place 2 bedrooms and a small washroom in that addition
Or a big ass closet to put all your spooky boys
Yeah, but I'm also thinking of an office.
bedroom/office, whichever. Both can work
Also, how wide would be the corridor?
The hallway is like 5 feet wide
Yeah, it can easily be 5 feet