Message from @FrostBite'sAce
Discord ID: 499261372455059476
But Im a male
so that triple cancels it out
That makes you worse
Im with the Irish mick on on this one why doesnt it fucking pen
Almost like the Irish know a thing or two about explosives and their interactions with vehicles.
Shut up potato nigger
So, I tired finding the thread in which there were documents for corrections to the M833 that would make it viable for balanced implementation to the game. Found the guy who made it on reddit, traced his post history, found the thread link, *and it's fucking gone.*
Spent at least an hour and a half looking for it and of course it's just gone.
FFS Gaijin, can you not take any actual corrections on shit that's still just in your fucking CDK?
No sekrit documentz 4 u goy
>pictures of ME-410 rocket revolvers in testing
Gaijin:"Ayy blayt, we hab no documentz so no add"
>russian UFO premiums are okay tho
>abramsniggers still crying about not having m833
Honestly, I don't even care, but with people still going on about DM33, it's something that I'm keeping in mind.
~~and honestly fucking stupid to delete if we're going to be real here~~
XM-1 niggers
Only ever spent $80 total on War Thunder over four years.
Only spent 20
>h-he spent m-money on goy t-thunder
I don't know what you're talking about
>spending money on war thunder