Message from @quant

Discord ID: 519255070102126592

2018-12-03 20:48:57 UTC  

that was twos before they nerfed the sabre platform strat

2018-12-03 20:49:07 UTC  

it can still be 2s with a salamander but thats not worth the points

2018-12-03 20:50:03 UTC  

Catachans get a buff to random shit weapons too

2018-12-03 20:50:12 UTC  

Before it was a 5" pieplate that still had a chance to hit something even if it missed atrociously

2018-12-03 20:50:22 UTC  


2018-12-03 20:50:28 UTC  

Before it averaged 4 dead MEQ's, usually getting to 5 or 6

2018-12-03 20:50:29 UTC  

but everyones had that nerf

2018-12-03 20:50:33 UTC  

I've been playing guard since 4th lmao

2018-12-03 20:50:45 UTC  

I'm not having any problems this edition

2018-12-03 20:50:49 UTC  

Sorry if I sound salty, but I remember my old metal box with a gun

2018-12-03 20:51:19 UTC  

So do I ^)

2018-12-03 20:51:38 UTC  

I run fluffy krieg artillery lists and still win

2018-12-03 20:51:45 UTC  

its about correct use of strategems etc

2018-12-03 20:52:51 UTC  

Yeah, it's not like imperial guard are the only one without pie plates

2018-12-03 20:53:09 UTC  

Things like the vindicator have been nerfed to the point of uselessness

2018-12-03 20:53:44 UTC  

The metas in various armies changed, Leman Russ is still a workhorse, it's not not used exactly the same way it used to be

2018-12-03 20:53:53 UTC  


2018-12-03 20:53:59 UTC  


2018-12-03 20:54:06 UTC  

the baneblade got buffed

2018-12-03 20:54:13 UTC  

its disgusting now

2018-12-03 20:54:16 UTC  

i mean it was before

2018-12-03 20:54:18 UTC  

but its even more so

2018-12-03 20:54:30 UTC  

All vehicles got buffed in the survival department

2018-12-03 20:54:37 UTC  

its main gun is dirty

2018-12-03 20:55:09 UTC  

6th and 7th only needed 3 meer glancing hits to wreck most vehicles

2018-12-03 20:56:52 UTC  
2018-12-03 20:56:55 UTC  

tune of the guard

2018-12-03 23:28:28 UTC  

Yeah my SM army has vindicators both normal and laser one from fw

2018-12-03 23:28:35 UTC  

And I have whirlwinds

2018-12-03 23:28:40 UTC  

Which have always sucked

2018-12-03 23:28:52 UTC  

I do not have templates anymore either

2018-12-04 01:18:29 UTC  

Yeah, I remember the last time I tried to bring my Guard army out, and got hammered by Nurgle. Im not one for buying into all these formations and stuff thanks, especially as the effort/reward is so low.

2018-12-04 01:24:21 UTC  

@Blood Rose thats like the entire thing of WH table top... You put all this money and effort into plastic and resin models and paint them and shit and you probably get absolutely wrecked so you rinse and repeat until you figure it out

2018-12-04 01:24:55 UTC  


2018-12-04 01:26:48 UTC  

@Blood Rose yeah, you went into a new, unfamiliar rule set, and played against someone I assumed has been playing it before. You lost, thats to be expected of the circumstnces, you cant expect to just reenter the game and stomp all over other players.

2018-12-04 01:26:59 UTC  


2018-12-04 01:27:22 UTC  


2018-12-04 01:27:22 UTC  

and formations dont exist anymore ~~They're bringing them back but for casual and narrative play only~~

2018-12-04 01:27:56 UTC  

if you play "competitive" rules you dont have to worry about that.

2018-12-04 01:29:15 UTC  

AdMech are getting a formation

2018-12-04 01:30:02 UTC  

everyone (On Vigilus) is in Vigilus Defiant, but like I said they arnt allowed for matched play, its just for narrative campaigns and casual play, fluffy rules for fluffy formations