Message from @urzu117
Discord ID: 551731428602150925
what happened to inazuma?
I fucking knew it
That hoe
Fuckin incel letting his dick get the best of him dunno if weebshit or vidya
God this lil raccoon is fucking adorable
I want to give her headpats and fish
Racoon is for lifu
10/10 where do I buy a plushie of her
Deadass I want one
Why was Saki such a likable character? I thought she would be a bitch when I first saw her but now she's my fave
Because despite being a tough as nails bitch on the outside she's a warm cuddly dork who cares deeply for her friends on the inside.
S2 needs to happen, and it needs an episode where the girls raid Kotaro's closet
I'm sure they planned for a s2
They have to wait and see how the post airing sales do before they can ask for funding
at the end of s1
Oof I missed that
not surprised, it was a small announcement
no details on a timeline tho
They a announced a S2 in the last episode of monmusu but they just set upon a throne of lies
You just need to buy more copies so they can fund it
No one here is buying Japanese market merch at full price
The western market is a drop in the bucket
Pls goy for S2
I dropped it at ep3
Good and nice