Message from @Lord Skeletor of Snake Mountain
Discord ID: 551680968436482048
This gives me an idea for an anime though
We remake shield hero but with inazoomer
what happened to inazuma?
I fucking knew it
That hoe
Fuckin incel letting his dick get the best of him dunno if weebshit or vidya
God this lil raccoon is fucking adorable
I want to give her headpats and fish
Racoon is for lifu
10/10 where do I buy a plushie of her
Deadass I want one
Why was Saki such a likable character? I thought she would be a bitch when I first saw her but now she's my fave
Because despite being a tough as nails bitch on the outside she's a warm cuddly dork who cares deeply for her friends on the inside.
I'm sure they planned for a s2
They have to wait and see how the post airing sales do before they can ask for funding
it was already confirmed
at the end of s1
Oof I missed that
not surprised, it was a small announcement
no details on a timeline tho
They a announced a S2 in the last episode of monmusu but they just set upon a throne of lies
You just need to buy more copies so they can fund it
No one here is buying Japanese market merch at full price
The western market is a drop in the bucket
Pls goy for S2
I dropped it at ep3
Good and nice