Message from @blyat
Discord ID: 485253598272290816
Yeah that one was garbo
Good in Call of Duty, shit in real life
i though finnnish because the used something like the ppsh and had german helms and shit
The Fins used the Suomi
The Suomi KP/-31 was a pretty good gun
Good enough the Soviets copied it.
Y’know what was *the shit* though
The Lahti-L39
There was one for auction a while back
The Lahti could one shot a fucking barn
It was also used as an anti-personnel rifle wasnt it
I believe it became obsolete for anti tank use by the time it was introduced so they used it against light vehicles
They used it in their Cold Charlie counter sniping technique lmao
Imagine being shot by one, you'd be a pink mist
They used a mannequin to look like an officer who was poorly concealing himself
They’d light the poor fucker up with the Lahti
Absolutely mental
Tfw you'll never get to snipe someone with a Lahti :^(
Imagine being elated to claim a kill on an enemy officer for extra ration ticket and then getting absolutely obliterated by a 20mm shell
"Hell yeah more foo-" *gets sliced in half*
It used to work on Soviet armor until the soviets did what they do best - slap on more armor
Those crafty soviets and their more armour
Man the flak-88 was aesthetic
Everything German was aesthetic, I swear they wanted form over function half the time
The Ju87 with the sirens
I mean, malfunction killed more german aces in Africa than enemy pilots ever did
Because they assumed that the Bf-109 didn’t need to be adapted for desert conditions
What a blunder that turned out to be
Tfw the Luftwaffe wasn't functioning around 1944
There were so many blunders
What is war without mistakes
There's the Human element
Sure, if you consider boxes and being goth aesthetic