Message from @Anticom
Discord ID: 489586699727273996
So should I go ahead and get my circle 10 bulgy parts kit put together that I’ve been procrastinating for months or should I impulse buy a brand new CZ scorpion evo pistol with a SB brace and procrastinate my AK build even more.
An ak build shouldn't take more than a day or two
Not doing it my self, I work too much as it is.
This photo in it's entirety is about as accurate as BF5s interpretation of WWII
@Sadmin post video of shooting hurricane with FAL and FG42 at same time
your fucked
R8 my magazine
it look like dicc and ball
This guy understands
tiddy mag
ew conchiglie
i hab da powaar
What the fuck are those arms
Mr. skelly is that you
Or Mr Roids
So one of my friends got a Spanish Mauser converted to 7.62 for cheap, the local pawn shop has had it for over two years
It's unmolested except for the arsenal conversion and some fucker mounting scope rails on the receiver - too bubba'd for the local milsurp purists, not bubba'd enough for the local retards
They had it at $600 originally, he got it for $250
Came with a Tasco scope
Fuckin lmoa