Message from @Reichtangle
Discord ID: 490606187033919489
I mean I’ve got two SKS’s but like, enh
The first gun I'll get that's a duplicate will be a Kar98k probably
Also if you go to the tanner gun show, there’s that one guy there who has a bunch of jap shit
Oh wait I have a 91/30 and an M39
Tell him Tyler sent you, his name’s don
Sick, thanks.
Now I need money
Most of what he’s there for is talking to people and peoplewatching
But does he sell you shit?
He’ll sell stuff, though he seems to prefer trades if possible
People really be out there buying M249 style barrels for their ARs
Heresy? In your firearms community?
More likely than you think!
I bought a this, not the kind that was suggested, but I didn't have enough to afford that kind
i need your brain
join vc
What now?
Minimi barrels on an AR?
Its an abomination with no real advantage
Ah, you’re that fella
I’ve seen this thing around the internet a lot
I quite like that
who dont
I thought that was a Fostech at first what the christ