Message from @Nic386
Discord ID: 495372969418162186
i need
I'm gonna ask this again while there's more people on, does anyone have experience with the Harvey Hand deprimer?
And/or the Frankfort armory hand deprimer
Build should be ready tomorrow. -Should.
what the hell are you building
did i miss something
It's a 74 or varient thereof obviously
not a bendie mag
I didn't even look at the mags
Circle 10 parts kit in 5.45 on a childers reciever
Mandatory ginger ale. Obviously.
Brb printing this on the decal maker
The PH camo works great with multicam
Hell yeah gonna mix and match up my PC
@Stubbs I want to put an A1 upper on a FightLite SCR lower
Oh I've got a source on straight delta rings
Big surprise, the CNN article is hot garbage. I gave up on it when it started shilling muh AR-15 is the weapon of school shooters goym.
yer **BEHNET**
Guys we have a code red. My country is doing a gun buyback on the 6th
Send me all the cheap gun blueprints you have
Literally a tube with a fixed firing pin
or a slamfire
I want variety so I'm not turning in 5 of the same thing
i can come up with some shit if you want
how complex do you want it
I mean, just google making a pipe shotgun