Message from @kampfersturm
Discord ID: 504944874454253568
Why is the turret reversed?
Why was it hit from the side?
Where was their HK partner?
Where were the 3 other tanks?
Why is the entire thing covered in scorching from what looks like a VERY large blast and/or a VERY large fire?
All of those but the last one can be explained by two words
Maybe three
“Sandnigger crew”
Operating an armoured vehicle is a complicated process and requires teamwork and focus and a good bit of skill
Things random conscripted muslims won’t have
t. Leaf M113 driver
The Matilda looks *REALLY* fucking good with a dozer blade
It’s also even more weight on the fucking bus engines but who cares when you got style
She’s a nice girl but i wouldn’t call her accurate
Maybe If you use some special handloads.... but ww2 rifle with military surplus ammo does not equal 1 moa accuracy.
I think the closest in that bracket is the swiss k31 with gp11 which is about 1.5-2 moa.
“Moison nagant”
Nigga what
I mean the 7.62x39 is effective out to 300 yards+ you'd just have to do some sighting in
How was a man like this rendered this retarded
I'd still rather have a bolt action or battle rifle over 300m because full length cartridges are just better at that point. Why bother lobbing your little 7.62x39 like a fucking mortar when you can just shoot flat with the ubermensch 7.92x57?
Because then you gotta lug around a big boy rifle and today’s infantry are already way overweight
“Carry this 160lbs of gear you never use”
“What do you mean back injuries and turnover rates are skyrocketing?”
The grunt sees that an MG is heavy but good
He won’t often see a use for a battle rifle, because of the whole 400 yards and in thing
Except for the growing range of combat engagements going out to 800m routinely, making even the notoriously slow and detached command structures of the military already begin looking at phasing battle rifles back in to service.
And Infantry always bitch about gear
The range thing is almost exclusive to the Middle East
look at the Philippines fight, or Ukraine’s
"I don't have enough gear" when they strip their packs, "I have too much gear" when they don't, "My gun is too heavy" when they have a battle rifle, "my gun can't engage targets beyond 300m effectively" when they have carbines, "I can't get in to CQC" when they have an M16 model, "I need multiple shots to down a target" when they have an M4 that can't properly fire 5.56
Literally everything is a problem for infantry
Whiniest bunch of crayon eating retards ever