Message from @PainTrainMcPineapple
Discord ID: 507269875207766037
Oh fuck he's right
I mean, no
The SKS is cheap because of market saturation
They’re built a lot better than mosins, and are far more reliable
People that insist they’re the best rifle ever are morons, but they’re pretty nice.
True. I'd rather have an SKS than a Rust t00b
The only thing that makes the sks 60 years obsolete is the fixed magazine
Every other feature makes it a good bargain bang bang
ay boys imma be real, i see a lot of weapon malfunction pages and what weapons not to buy, but what brands/models do you guys trust and reccomend for me to sink my poorfag bucks into??
Find a pre-freedom-group Remington shotgun for el cheap, or a Mossberg 500/ 590
Those are the solid gold starter shotguns
Really a preference for which you like more
what about semi auto rifles? or EDC handguns?
Can never go wrong with Glock
1911s are memes
I'm always seeing "glocknade" memes too cuz plastic
G19 is an all around perfect carry gun
The prototype .40 Glocks did blow up
They had the same slide and chamber outer dimensions as the 9mm
Which was insufficient for +p
They changed it fast and nobody has every had a glocknade.png on a factory G17
If you see 'barrel split down middle'.png that's because the dumb fuck did a +p+++++++
Just don't do that
To any gun
Thanks man
I prefer 1891s to 9130s
I want a Finnish M39
Or an Ex-dragoon 91/30
I managed to turn up a 1905 dated 1891 that was degraded to a Romanian drill rifle, but I scrounged enough parts to rework it into a pre-1909 regulation rifle
Deleted the sling slots and found out a French Berthier rear sight leaf will fit in the arshen graduated base
Only thing I could do to make it better is have the first model stock made without the recoil bolt
Got pics?
I may
this is from before I deleted the sling slots
I cut plugs for the collars and sanded them flush and got the color extremely close with leather dye