Message from @Reichtangle
Discord ID: 526155878240354332
But it's also an MP5, so congrats you made it more complicated for a whole 2in shorter barrel
I don't get bullpup SMGs. They're already tiny, you don't get much out of it for a lot of extra problems
They make them easier to one hand
Bullpup rifles I get, because you can get a 20" barrel in a 14" profile
The Chinese have tried it
A lot
In fact that is a Chinese SMG
At that rate you might as well put the mag in the grip and make it a machine pistol
It'd be a lot shorter too
Hey did y’all see the Fedorov video today?
@Reichtangle Yeah I saw the Federov video, finally put to rest some people calling it an assault rifle thank God
It’s surprisingly simple
I expected “turn of the century imperial space magic”
Looks like a bitch to mill
But it wasn’t *that* complex
Echo triggers are $300
Cheaper than Franklin's binary right now
Should I jump on it?
might as well have one
they are pretty fun
and not quite as gimmicky as bump stocks
Haven't bought a gun in 2 years and just upgrading everything I already have, this might be a decent idea
the trigger is semi is pretty meh
has a weird takeup to it
Single or double?
it feels different in binary
I'd have to find a guy to buy my old trigger
honestly, just buy a new lower and set it up
that way you can put it on whatever AR you want
keep your geissele or whatever you have
I have a new toy