Message from @Reichtangle
Discord ID: 487055574014623745
An apricot commission I was doing as a courtesy for yall ended up coming out to like $200 so that's kiiiiinda caused a bit of a dent in the art budget
So I gotta play with some numbers tonight
It better not be the thing that you hinted at
So what did you think owo
I think you're gay
U live in the UK
Frog slav
I can own basic handguns
My "handgun" is a FUCKIGN 5.56 AK
I can own that too yes
when are you gonna build a patriot
>5.56 AK
Yeah why don’t you just piss on Mikhail’s grave too
I want an M14 pistol
It’s like
@Reichtangle Imagine being such a purist fag that you think it would anger him to see his design beat out western designs in a western country and then be adopted fully while only needing minor modifications to meet the country's needs.
Imagine thinking it would anger this Mikhail, who designed his rifle only to protect his motherland, to see his rifle defending the motherlands of numerous other people
I kid
You are *wrong*
They make them new at the factory in 5.56 dude
I’m kidding
Is it the 103 or 104 that’s 5.56?
Also, the M14 is just, like
Not ideal
The Galil, Valmet, and the Beryl are the only good 5.56 AK's, if I buy a russian gun it's going to be in a russian caliber.
The gas system is massive
I don't keep up with most export variants.
I just want a modern Russian in 7.62x39
I’ll never have one
If I move to the states I’d love a 7.62 RPK
Maybe if you'd ditch your shitty cucked country and move to free one