Message from @KinkyJacques
Discord ID: 464554701069746176
Trump ends Obama’s racist college admissions guidelines in favor of race neutral admission standards.
I love Trump
I will never understand Merkel's sudden shift on immigration
its been bothering me for months
I saw that video, too, Blu. The words she said there surprised me. All comes to show she is just a virtue-signaling hypocrite.
Her position in power of authority is being threatened by the conservative backlash gaining powerful momentum. Due to all the rapes, violent crimes and atrocities committed by "refugees". If she doesn't change her stance/policy on immigration, she'll be dethroned
^^^Robert Mueller can't answer Trey Gowdy's questions. Got pimped
my life
Momdads everywhere celebrate
This is genderbashing
Anyone wanting equality of outcome between men and women or that one/both of those gets marginalized is genderbashing
“Roblox ‘gang rape’ shocks mother”
This article is literally about a grown women getting triggered over virtual tea bagging tier trolling.
Have you guys watched this video on Sweden?
It’s fire🔥🔥🔥🔥
“ How Trump and the Nazis stoke Christmas to promote white nationalism” by Cristina Maza
This article compares Trump to literal Nazis for promoting people saying merry Christmas.
Dumb shit liberals say for 100 Alex
“Donald Trump is guilt....... The only remaining question is what exactly he’s guilty of” by max boot on Foreign Policy
The left knows Trump is guilt. It’s a matter of faith. They feel it’s true.
@kekistansupreme do you think about giving your dog breast implants? Like your dog could have weird giant fake boobs.
@Blonald Blumph if you don't stop pinging me with these stupid questions, im going to spam your DMs with yiff
@Blonald Blumph Stop harassing Keki
@AC says sub to PewDiePie ok. I just find it so odd.
Would you give your dog breast implants or gender reassignment surgery? I thought part of the "Red Pill" was conservative Christian values. Pretty sure gay furries don't fall into that category
@Blonald Blumph WTF?
This is a server for fans of RedPill Shark. If they are a gay furry then so be it.
Also maybe Keki was trolling you. I don't fucking care. Stop harassing another user.
I said ok, geez