Message from @karat
Discord ID: 482183504462086144
where is sweden now tha tis multicultural and nto an ethnos state??
are we goign to talk reality?? or you are going to put you head in your ass and talk fiction??
Best state is no state
what on oxymoron statmeent and so wrong
either you have a state or you ddo nto
no state can nto be the best state because quess what it is nto a state
Oh thanks captain obvious
Best state is still no state
Like that's ever worked other than in Libertarian wet dreams
Oh so you like getting oppressed and jailed beacuse some people more voted for something
No - that does not follow from what I said
Congratulations, @Reactionary Ralph for reaching level 1!
I can argue
What I said was pure Libertarianism is an intellectual exercise
An important one
I know its right so hit me with your "counter arguments"
But will never obtain power
The real battle now is between Globalists on the Left and the nationalist models on the right
But the longer humanity exists its getting more likely
Is that the monkeys typing for long enough implies they type Shakespeare?
You cant hide how corrupt everything is for an eternity
But the solutions to that corruption will not be a Libertarian reduction of the state
People are too tribal
And too prone to hierarchy
It's in the genes
We are used to small tribes
Like if max 100
And are independent
We are not ants
Or bees
So it's the independence that is the enemy to collectivists
Collective strategies beat them and Libertarianism is just the ultimate indivdualist strategy
It's a shame