Message from @karat
Discord ID: 530406495934742561
pearl harbour was planned too
just like Goebbles said
the bigger the lie the rather it is beleaved
@karat typo in poll question bud
ah thanks
No problem
Pearl Harbor planned??
Yes pearl harbor was planned.....By the Japaneese military
not by that means
I mean the American Goverment wanted to be Attacked by Japan
they tried to get Japan to attack them
and they managed it
it all started with the think tank PNAC
they asked for a new pearl harbour
if Kennedy would sign a document there would be 9/11 in the 60s
who thinks it all is coincidence has a big problem with probabilities
He commanded the attack
and also
I read a whole book about 9/11
let me get some Info out of it
Japan also declared war on the U.S and UK the day after pearl harbor
and also
why didnt bush give a shit about the attacks
when he got informed
and just continued reading
the kids
instead of gettign evacuated
I mean there were the anthrax attacks afterward