Message from @fred101j
Discord ID: 530833900209963029
I thought Europe was a caliphate?
West europe is one
the iberian penisula and france are northest africa
Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece
Than hungary, Czekoslovakia, Belorussia,
Macedonia is *claimed* by several Nations, Greeks have Turkic and Bulgarian minorities, and Hungary has sizable minorities located outside of its borders on all sides.
Czechoslovakia isn't even here anymore
Albania also has some Greek Minorities in the South
@Kraiser Being claimed doesnt mean they are not populated majorety by one ethnicety, but you will notice i did not list Macedonia
Ukraine has Slovak minorities, along with some...Russians...
Poland has one ethnically
but all the listed countries are over 80% 1 ethnicety
You'd be surprised.
I also diliberatly did not list Ukraine
I know, I just randomly started heading East.
@Kraiser Portugal has this other latin-iberian minorety wich is sizable but cant find the ethnic data
Sorry, heading into a dead zone
here is a linguistic map of the iberian
Thats a ethic map from a long time ago
Like roman empire times
Gauls still in france now?
Also i am sick of politics i might leave
Whatever idc lol
What's this
Looks like in slovenian
Its in Serbian.
The lyrics go: Stop the Earts im getting of.