Message from @plugh
Discord ID: 490964611189702657
Look for all other observatories to be shut down under NOAO's umbrella.
Pictured, GEMINI Observatory in HI.
Just THINK about the possibilities of linking it, NM and Pyongyang in NK. Nice triangulation! Add massive antenna arrays, 5+G tech, electromagnetic capabilities- the possibilities are endless of the harm that could be done! From spying to comm intercepts to weather modification.
The President needs Judge Kavanaugh confirmed to assure military tribunals are SC approved.
This is why the cabal is fighting so hard.
His confirmation is the starting bell.
The EWS test is to assure no MSM stonewall/non-reporting.
MOAB targeting confirmed, perpare for drop.
This debunked a lot of the observatorys worldwide being offline story.
32°47'26.90" N 105°49'07.14" W
32°47'23"N 105°48'50"W
I missed what you were referring to @PrairieGhost
Hate to have you repeat yourself ....I will DM you
Senators call for delay of Kavanaugh confirmation vote after woman reveals sexual assault allegations - NBC News