Message from @AlfredFonzerlle

Discord ID: 638811626488856601

2019-10-29 18:35:05 UTC  

Isaiah 45:13-25

2019-10-29 18:35:06 UTC  

**Isaiah 45:13-25 - Modern English Version (MEV)**

The Only Savior

<13> I have raised him up in righteousness, and I will direct all his ways; he shall build My city, and he shall let My captives go, neither for price nor reward, says the Lord of Hosts. <14> Thus says the Lord: The products of Egypt and merchandise of Ethiopia and of the Sabeans—men of stature—shall come over to you, and they shall be yours; they shall come after you; in chains they shall come over, and they shall fall down before you. They shall make supplication to you, saying,"Surely God is with you, and there is no other; there is no other God."<15> Truly You are a God who hides Yourself, O God of Israel, the Savior. <16> They shall be ashamed and also humiliated, all of them; the craftsmen of idols shall go away in confusion together, <17> but Israel shall be saved by the Lord with an everlasting salvation; you shall not be ashamed nor humiliated to all eternity. <18> For thus says the Lord, who created the heavens, who is God, who formed the earth and made it, who has established it, who did not create it in vain, who formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord, and there is no other. <19> I have not```

2019-10-29 18:35:06 UTC  

spoken in secret in a dark place of the earth; I did not say to the descendants of Jacob, "Seek Me in a waste place"; I, the Lord, speak righteousness; I declare things that are right. <20> Assemble yourselves and come; draw near together, you fugitives of the nations. They have no knowledge who set up the wood of their carved image, and pray to a god that cannot save. <21> Declare and set forth your case; let them take counsel together. Who has declared this from ancient times? Who has told it from that time? Have not I, the Lord? And there is no God besides Me, a righteous God and Savior; there is no other besides Me. <22> Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth. For I am God, and there is no other. <23> I have sworn by Myself, the word has gone out of My mouth in righteousness and shall not return, that to Me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall take an oath. <24> Surely, one shall say, "Only in the Lord are righteousness and strength."Men shall come to him, and all who are incensed at Him shall be ashamed. <25> In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified and shall glory. ```

2019-10-29 18:37:12 UTC  

Great Idea👆 👆 👆

2019-10-29 18:39:35 UTC  

J. Todd Breasseale | Homeland Security

2019-10-29 18:39:48 UTC

2019-10-29 18:40:19 UTC  

From this👇

2019-10-29 18:42:19 UTC

2019-10-29 18:42:26 UTC  

better idea, revoke tax payer dollars from uni's that enforce socialism and gender studies programs that increase student debt in the long run

2019-10-29 18:42:54 UTC  

Who is this doosh bag

2019-10-29 18:43:00 UTC  

teach them first how to get out of debt before they even get into debt

2019-10-29 18:43:01 UTC  


2019-10-29 18:43:53 UTC  

@AlfredFonzerlle he imported instead home grown like epstein did

2019-10-29 18:44:28 UTC  


2019-10-29 18:45:26 UTC

2019-10-29 18:45:36 UTC  


2019-10-29 18:48:41 UTC  

Maybe Breasseale is connected to NSC guy today. Oppidite was from POTUS deleted tweet

2019-10-29 18:49:20 UTC  

You put that in search and get Breasseale.

2019-10-29 18:51:12 UTC  

Or feline security on duty today...

2019-10-29 18:54:49 UTC  

I have this and a few military helicopters flying around my neighborhood today... I wonder why...
@lyndeb -- any thoughts...

2019-10-29 19:00:22 UTC

2019-10-29 19:04:54 UTC  

House Rules - As we have been growing a bunch lately, we need folks to please be a bit more aware of one another's space. A little bit of self awareness will go a long way. When there are like ten or fifteen or more folks in a room, there needs to be less pontification and/or mic hogging. Keep it to a sentence or two and let up on the button, so other folks can also have a chance to participate. - i.e.
Respect one another & the ebb & flow of the conversation - Listen First - Talk Briefly - Lurk Moar
Let's remember that no one really knows Jack Shit at the end of the day and if you THINK you do.... take it to I AM AN EXPERT AT EVERYTHING room

2019-10-29 19:08:38 UTC

2019-10-29 19:09:03 UTC  

This opening statement was written by Vindman’s twin brother who is an attorney for the National Security Counscil

2019-10-29 19:09:31 UTC  

Opening statement written like an attorney would

2019-10-29 19:14:43 UTC  

@RAKRail something is definitely up

2019-10-29 19:15:10 UTC  

nothing to worry about ppl, just another 'training exercise'

2019-10-29 19:16:10 UTC  

@ninjaneer maybe a few thousand feet 'up'

2019-10-29 19:16:40 UTC  

They been training forever. Training ing is over. It’s mop up time

2019-10-29 19:17:28 UTC  

@SirW00f -- I wish I could have grabbed the screen shot of the Lakota flying around Harrisburg. It had a few miles of the city painted solid with where it was flying...

2019-10-29 19:17:35 UTC  

they only train in designated areas...never over actual civil ops go on in civil targets...and use the cover of 'training exercise'

2019-10-29 19:18:30 UTC  

Interesting, the other Blackhawk just went off radar as well...

2019-10-29 19:18:56 UTC  

are u kidding, i wished i knew how to read the smart phone my bro has to take screen shots of the grey unmarked 2 by 2 marine choppers going to northeast airport in my city flying 'low to the deck' below radar 2x last yr

2019-10-29 19:19:22 UTC  

btw, it was 2 apache and 2 blackhawks

2019-10-29 19:19:43 UTC  

I will say the ADSB data was very accurate for the plane as it few over my home a few times...