Message from @Tails

Discord ID: 639668887029284874

2019-11-01 03:32:19 UTC  

of course

2019-11-01 03:32:24 UTC  


2019-11-01 03:32:28 UTC  

You should be able too

2019-11-01 03:32:29 UTC  

I’m listening

2019-11-01 03:32:43 UTC

2019-11-01 03:33:05 UTC  

This is an interesting twitter even more so because it talks about Mr. T being the wizard of Oz

2019-11-01 03:33:17 UTC  

Yes you can post links @shai'enne

2019-11-01 03:33:22 UTC  

humm the wiz of oz eh

2019-11-01 03:33:56 UTC  

This goes back to the theme of Alice and wonder land or so on such themes... they know he is in control.

2019-11-01 03:34:02 UTC  

and Jeffrey Epstein called the Wizard of oz

2019-11-01 03:34:07 UTC  

so now we have more than one

2019-11-01 03:34:07 UTC  

or trying to miss inform to try and frame him

2019-11-01 03:34:49 UTC  

well they would try to miss direct people that would be the plan of the CIA and FBI they still have in place to pin it on Mr. T problem is making it fit which it does not too much paper work and so on

2019-11-01 03:34:53 UTC  

Tails good catch

2019-11-01 03:35:19 UTC

2019-11-01 03:35:25 UTC  

hes got the golden arches

2019-11-01 03:35:30 UTC  

on his cover pic

2019-11-01 03:35:30 UTC  

but lingo that is how people are understanding this is their language and symbology he is speaking in or a commonality. Q so to speak

2019-11-01 03:35:45 UTC  

ok, thats odd....just got a tornado warning alert over my friend's phone

2019-11-01 03:35:47 UTC

2019-11-01 03:36:16 UTC  

That is him article above... about Palosi maybe President...

2019-11-01 03:36:26 UTC  

2019-11-01 03:36:31 UTC  

i wonder if is will be sharnado or marinenados

2019-11-01 03:36:36 UTC  

the thing to understand about this is this guy would maybe be CIA or deep cover for them some how or connected

2019-11-01 03:36:46 UTC  

Pelosi and myself have the same chance....

2019-11-01 03:36:50 UTC

2019-11-01 03:36:55 UTC  

yes... These people would be dealing with public perception

2019-11-01 03:36:58 UTC  

only 12 comments in 10 hours

2019-11-01 03:37:27 UTC  

both vp and potus have to be removed at the same time for pelosi to be president and not be during an election or swearing in moment

2019-11-01 03:37:33 UTC  

well who wants to say anything at this point only the guilty are staying on the ship most will jump or see if anyone notices or make deals as needed

2019-11-01 03:38:03 UTC  

@SirW00f I agree but public perception during this time is all they have which is not what it was 8 months ago

2019-11-01 03:38:15 UTC  

things have change and are changing... people get sick of stuff like this

2019-11-01 03:38:42 UTC  

all 12 comments were trolled by MAGA peeps!

2019-11-01 03:38:45 UTC  

tails....we never get tornado warnings up here....i live in the high ground areas

2019-11-01 03:39:21 UTC  

well I have my ear to the ground where I am at and I can tell you public perception has changed

2019-11-01 03:40:06 UTC  

lets just say where I am from as much as people may see Tulsi G as a deep state type I question that after the statements that where made as well as the cross over her father made... in that area...

2019-11-01 03:40:09 UTC  

over 50yrs living here and i'm telling u...they don't happen in my local the flatlands near me...sure...but on the high ground...never

2019-11-01 03:40:14 UTC  

to "get more done."

2019-11-01 03:40:50 UTC  

few whirlwinds maybe but no actual tornados