Message from @Tails

Discord ID: 639672639408963594

2019-11-01 03:37:33 UTC  

well who wants to say anything at this point only the guilty are staying on the ship most will jump or see if anyone notices or make deals as needed

2019-11-01 03:38:03 UTC  

@SirW00f I agree but public perception during this time is all they have which is not what it was 8 months ago

2019-11-01 03:38:15 UTC  

things have change and are changing... people get sick of stuff like this

2019-11-01 03:38:42 UTC  

all 12 comments were trolled by MAGA peeps!

2019-11-01 03:38:45 UTC  

tails....we never get tornado warnings up here....i live in the high ground areas

2019-11-01 03:39:21 UTC  

well I have my ear to the ground where I am at and I can tell you public perception has changed

2019-11-01 03:40:06 UTC  

lets just say where I am from as much as people may see Tulsi G as a deep state type I question that after the statements that where made as well as the cross over her father made... in that area...

2019-11-01 03:40:09 UTC  

over 50yrs living here and i'm telling u...they don't happen in my local the flatlands near me...sure...but on the high ground...never

2019-11-01 03:40:14 UTC  

to "get more done."

2019-11-01 03:40:50 UTC  

few whirlwinds maybe but no actual tornados

2019-11-01 03:41:03 UTC  

She claims that a Nephilim is the father of her baby. hmnm................

2019-11-01 03:41:33 UTC  


2019-11-01 03:48:48 UTC

2019-11-01 03:49:25 UTC  

wow TULSI GABBARD "is the only one standing behind us" whoa what a Trojan Horse she is

2019-11-01 03:49:31 UTC  


2019-11-01 03:50:20 UTC  

so while most of the dem candidates are crashing and burning, Tulsi is a rising star

2019-11-01 03:50:29 UTC  

@Aavelle I dug on her she came up clean as you can be making it...

2019-11-01 03:50:36 UTC  

I did hard

2019-11-01 03:50:41 UTC  

I think most people know that

2019-11-01 03:50:52 UTC

2019-11-01 03:51:04 UTC  

@Aavelle Podesta funded

2019-11-01 03:51:11 UTC  

that is where the line with blue and red are blur here due to her states history...

2019-11-01 03:51:19 UTC  

she might have not know

2019-11-01 03:51:25 UTC  

Tulsi is an arm of HRC

2019-11-01 03:51:37 UTC  

her funding is in the Podesta emails

2019-11-01 03:51:42 UTC  


2019-11-01 03:52:01 UTC  

her voting record in cogress is terrible

2019-11-01 03:52:02 UTC  

@adogrocket well she maybe trying to be the next one in line for the fall out

2019-11-01 03:52:17 UTC  

I believe that but I can say it was a major miscalculation

2019-11-01 03:52:21 UTC  

and she has dropped out of congress now 3x if I count correctly

2019-11-01 03:52:27 UTC  

and that is something

2019-11-01 03:52:39 UTC  

@Tails they need another deep state puppet who is likable

2019-11-01 03:52:44 UTC  

as O was from her state and info and other things are here

2019-11-01 03:52:50 UTC  

her name is a literal "plant"

2019-11-01 03:53:07 UTC  

and she was raised in a cult

2019-11-01 03:53:16 UTC  

I would not doubt it @adogrocket I can tell you she would have to be a deep planet.

2019-11-01 03:53:30 UTC  

@Aavelle where did you find that just wondering

2019-11-01 03:53:43 UTC  

@Tails yes 3 letter trained and controlled

2019-11-01 03:53:45 UTC  

which part? the cult?