Message from @2pulo 🍯

Discord ID: 643415643038941216

2019-11-11 10:44:30 UTC  


2019-11-11 10:45:49 UTC  

morning Button.. heading for a quick 40 winks.. tell Jim and CMZ to wait until I get back πŸ™‚

2019-11-11 10:49:08 UTC  

will do:P

2019-11-11 10:57:14 UTC  
2019-11-11 11:04:53 UTC  

House Rules - As we have been growing a bunch lately, we need folks to please be a bit more aware of one another's space. A little bit of self awareness will go a long way. When there are like ten or fifteen or more folks in a room, there needs to be less pontification and/or mic hogging. Keep it to a sentence or two and let up on the button, so other folks can also have a chance to participate. - i.e.
Respect one another & the ebb & flow of the conversation - Listen First - Talk Briefly - Lurk Moar
Let's remember that no one really knows Jack Shit at the end of the day and if you THINK you do.... take it to I AM AN EXPERT AT EVERYTHING room

2019-11-11 11:41:37 UTC  

Wtf??? California is so effed up

2019-11-11 11:43:00 UTC  

Dilly said it best can't find the Tweet.... Illegal to eat the sandwich but perfectly legal to Shit it out on the street...... <a:spinning_think:400736652089360394>

2019-11-11 11:44:03 UTC  
2019-11-11 11:44:42 UTC  

Exactly what I was thinking Searcher

2019-11-11 11:45:29 UTC  

Clean up the homeless problem and the streets and leave good hard working people going to work alone

2019-11-11 11:46:16 UTC  

But of course leftist loonies are making it about race instead of how insane that law is

2019-11-11 12:01:34 UTC  

things u find on search engines -

2019-11-11 12:03:11 UTC  

Karli Bonne was suspended from Twitter apparently

2019-11-11 12:03:34 UTC  

mention a whistleblower's suspected name, get suspended

2019-11-11 12:03:46 UTC  

even if it was in a nytimes article

2019-11-11 12:07:29 UTC  

the gop has to request the full disclosure and get revealed via gov memo as to the whistleblower's identity for any 'impeachment hearing or inquiry' to actually go forward....and social media is trying to stop this desperately...because it speeds up the end of the phase from bs in plain sight towards next phase of impeachment bs to destroy the dems political careers and get completely exposed for their bs in a senate hearing which will be made public if it's going to be any justice to it at all

2019-11-11 13:14:06 UTC  

~$ curl -vvv
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
* ALPN, offering h2
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
* CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
* TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
* OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to
* stopped the pause stream!
* Closing connection 0
curl: (35) OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to

2019-11-11 13:29:16 UTC

2019-11-11 13:33:40 UTC  

πŸ”΄ **Expected live at 10:30 a.m. ET: President Trump will kick off the 100th annual NYC Veterans Day Parade at Madison Square Park in Manhattan. He will be the first president to participate in the parade. **

2019-11-11 13:45:33 UTC

2019-11-11 13:50:19 UTC  

++As of October 2019, President Trump has nominated 85 people to be U.S. Attorneys, and 84 of them have been confirmed. He has announced his intent to nominate two others as well. There are a total of 93 U.S. Attorneys in the Department of Justice.++