Message from @Ann
Discord ID: 646491070737416223
For anyone who wants that gif
Isn't there six committee's in the DEM house or five?
@MistyLynn 😂😂
I. THE DAY STATED. By the expression, "the day of the Lord," must be meant a day in some unique sense His day; for all days are really days of the Lord of time.
1. By the day of the Lord is signified that day on which He will take the first place in the thoughts of His responsible creatures.
2. It is the day on which He will bring the vast moral account between Himself and His responsible creatures to an end.
I asked Q this morning how many moves were left on the chest board.
SESSIONS is The Silent Executioner😉
"There are no coincidences"
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/19/19 (Tue) 18:23:00 ID: 0a9027
Board Post No. 7358016
PAY-FOR-PLAY only works when you hold a position of POWER.
It's only a matter of time.
Was it Qtar or Singapore?
Rep. Adam Schiff Was Caught Leaking Classified Information
@Searcher ha maybe a bit later... I've got family all around at the moment, It'd be rude to mic up
Gotcha....... Stop in later, Imma bout to go in the shower anyways..... just breaking you chops @_ff