Message from @Aavelle
Discord ID: 648692162652798976
Most likely C_@ types and so on
In and out group
we want to be in the in group
People forget USSR was the problem before and most of the issues ware faced with are having to do with the USSR problem area... all the area's they tried to turn communist
I believe this is where the dis-info ideas came
Howdy howdy @adogrocket
@Ann hey!
This is whenit happened
sub project 149
I would want to take a look in there reason why this is important is I believe NP must have connections to this as they control the out come of all of this
SUB project.................
sub project 45
psychological and "k" fields?
"k" fields?
'k' fields PRIMARY fields. closest to the source.
Rewind Lionel Nation
live now talking about