Message from @LonghornRancher
Discord ID: 652255809840873502
**DIVINE PROVIDENCE: 'Restoring the Covenant' event needs a miracle, and your prayers**
*Dec 5, 2019 - Few Hours Ago*
> Glenn has been working tirelessly over the past couple of years to create a 'Restoring' event that he feels called to put on. So many miracles have happened to bring us so close to making it happen but some significant barriers have popped up and we need your help. We have the next 10-12 days do plead with God to make it happen and if it does happen, it will be all due to Him. We are not asking for anything but prayers and they are vitally needed, so please consider helping us plead for the miracles that are so desperately needed.
*My Commentary in brief*
America must bow before the Lord thy God and repent of its Sins and beg and plead for forgiveness. Without doing so, America will suffer His Holy Wrath. God is a God of both Love and Wrath. Which on do we as a Nation desire? Mankind cannot rely upon him/herselves alone. I agree with EVERY word that Glenn speaks. Humility of Man before our Heavenly Father must come. THe Spirit of Jesus will be poured out when we do come back to our Father like the Prodigal Sons and Daughters.
Glenn Beck also shoved Cheetos into his face and cried like a baby when Donald J. Trump won.
@LonghornRancher never too late to do teh right thing.
Maybe so, glad I donβt have to listen to his whiney mouth.
@LonghornRancher A Man can change his heart throught the Holy Spirit changing him. My Spiritual Discernment is detecting that. The build up to something great and mighty is about to begin in America. Nothing will stop it. No Cabal, No Secret Society, No Mortal Man/Woman. Nothing. THE GREAT AWAKENING is about to get 1,000 Shots of NOS from The Holy Spirit.
Good for him. Good for you. He lost me with the Cheetos. Iβm glad you listen to him. I have other sources
If you are a Christian, you will find this video that Glenn Beck to be a message to share with all of your family and friends. We are in a spiritual war.
Thank You @Cow Patty If you cannot feel The Holy Spirit in the message, the Messenger is no good. There are those who speak good things and some that only think th we as mankind can do it alone without God. Puttting God first is a true sign that both the message and Messenger is of God and good.
Coming up in a few Live President Speech at Christmas Tree
Prayer at Starbucks is unheard of until now.
The Holy Spirit is moving upon America folks.
My friends @adamcarolla and @DennisPrager have an excellent new movie challenging political correctness, No Safe Spaces, coming out tomorrow in movie theaters nationwide.
Go see it, unless of course you're an easily triggered snowflake!!!
Tree lighting Starting soon