Message from @Aavelle

Discord ID: 659939456002031629

2019-12-27 01:50:25 UTC  

travellers such as Sir Francis Drake, which seemed to confirm these accounts. Early charts of the New World sometimes added the legend regio gigantum ("region of the giants") to the Patagonian area.

2019-12-27 01:50:26 UTC

2019-12-27 01:51:13 UTC  

👆 <:100:480435745048363018> <:rofl:508683941406965764>

2019-12-27 01:52:04 UTC  

Iron sharpens iron

2019-12-27 01:52:48 UTC  



Curiouser & curioser.. why is Hussein tweeting some stock photo of a fake Christmas tree? Who used it first? Stolen from a Nigerian article pointing out the TRUE date of Christmas is 9-11? WTAF?!

2019-12-27 01:53:29 UTC  

It is quite necessary for us to learn together. They took that away from us. We study together and throw ideas off each other. There is so much to learn.

2019-12-27 01:53:34 UTC  

▶️Anonymous 12/26/19 (Thu) 20:26:17 cb9de4 (2) No.7628425>>7628435 >>7628441 >>7628445

File (hide): f80c60658140aa8⋯.png (648.42 KB, 621x783, 23:29, hanx.png) (h) (u)
Fullsized image


Hanks arrest would be a good reason pacifiers are safer to end the year.

2019-12-27 01:53:55 UTC

2019-12-27 01:54:07 UTC  

So is Hank's gonna burn?

2019-12-27 01:54:33 UTC

2019-12-27 01:55:22 UTC  

they may offer up a "Blood sacrifice" of one of their own, give up one to the media to take the heat of themselves

2019-12-27 01:55:54 UTC Flynn case update:

DOJ seeks more time to file sentencing memo

Multiple persons/entities must review and approve the new memo, including any changes to the memo and sentencing recommendations. (Rec'd only probation prior.)
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2019-12-27 01:58:19 UTC  
2019-12-27 02:01:30 UTC

2019-12-27 02:02:24 UTC  

Edward Forester is a genetic researcher, intent on breeding primate hybrids. But his experiments take a strange turn when he succeeds in breeding a human/gorilla hybrid. He hides the results of the experiment, adopting the child, and helps Gor to speak and blend into society. But Gor can't help being what he is, and tragedy and revelations are the ultimate result.

2019-12-27 02:02:50 UTC  

Strait of Hormuz.

2019-12-27 02:03:47 UTC

2019-12-27 02:08:39 UTC

2019-12-27 02:09:48 UTC

2019-12-27 02:09:59 UTC  

Gulf of Aden vortex and Julian

2019-12-27 02:10:01 UTC

2019-12-27 02:11:20 UTC  

Jacinda's fans will tell you how she worked in the UK as a policy advisor to British PM Tony Blair. Know someone who worked with her at the time & she reckons true, Jacinda did work in Mr Blair's office, but the fans are exaggerating a bit about the importance of her role.

2019-12-27 02:13:49 UTC  

Pan Jian-Wei, a physicist known in China as the "father of quantum," helps oversee the country's efforts to harness quantum particles to build powerful computers and tools for processing information.

2019-12-27 02:13:53 UTC  

A Colorado woman accused of hiding 26 children behind a false wall at her daycare center was arrested for investigation of misdemeanor child abuse, police said.

Thanks God, POTUS and all anons by saving lives

2019-12-27 02:14:13 UTC

2019-12-27 02:17:11 UTC  

▶️Anonymous 12/26/19 (Thu) 20:47:43 cda146 (6) No.7628578>>7628584 >>7628608

File (hide): 8257f54c5026fce⋯.png (1.44 MB, 2560x1222, 1280:611, hounds.png) (h) (u)

Hounds to run in packs

the Hounds are joining up.
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2019-12-27 02:17:27 UTC

2019-12-27 02:19:51 UTC  

the CLASS 1-99? PAGES

2019-12-27 02:21:12 UTC  

carter PAGE