Message from @Kiwi61Karma

Discord ID: 660407701284716569

2019-12-28 08:44:33 UTC

2019-12-28 08:45:14 UTC  

**The Chinese Social Credit Scoring Monstrosity: Think it won't happen here, think again, it's happening at a softer and slower rate.**
*If this won't wake you up what will?*

2019-12-28 09:00:03 UTC

2019-12-28 09:00:11 UTC  

Note Russia picture with wheat

2019-12-28 09:00:15 UTC  


2019-12-28 09:00:18 UTC  

It is getting frosty

2019-12-28 09:00:22 UTC

2019-12-28 09:01:14 UTC

2019-12-28 09:02:09 UTC

2019-12-28 09:03:14 UTC

2019-12-28 09:03:29 UTC  

Note this makes Ukraine important in more ways then just pipe lines

2019-12-28 09:03:33 UTC  
2019-12-28 09:03:54 UTC

2019-12-28 09:04:10 UTC

2019-12-28 09:04:18 UTC  

Russia is the only other source feeling people at that level and shows connections between Russia and Ukraine

2019-12-28 09:04:25 UTC

2019-12-28 09:04:36 UTC

2019-12-28 09:06:22 UTC  


2019-12-28 09:06:26 UTC

2019-12-28 09:26:46 UTC  

Hollywood is fleeing "The Storm"...

2019-12-28 09:52:37 UTC

2019-12-28 10:28:16 UTC  

**NRA: Illegal Firearms Confiscations in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina**

2019-12-28 10:31:47 UTC  

**NOLA was the first GUN CONFISCATION OPERATION that involoved Out of State Law Enforcement that invaded the State of Louisiana to conduct Treasonous Gun Confiscation. Vetern Constitutionally Obedient LEO tells the People of NOLA Accounts. Asssult and Battery of Elderly in NOLA by Out of State LEOS. That's the woman in the YT thumbnail that you see.**

2019-12-28 10:43:49 UTC  

They treated this Elderly Lady like a Terrorist.
August 2005 was the saddest days in Amercan History, overshaddowing 9.11 by many miles. It was the days that our Constitutional RIghts were violated and the 2nd Amendment was molested for all to see.

2019-12-28 10:45:09 UTC  

I was ashamed to be an American during all of that.

2019-12-28 11:01:19 UTC  

WSLS 10 Virginia TV Station: "Political Grandstanding" now to protect 2A.

2019-12-28 11:04:53 UTC  

House Rules - As we have been growing a bunch lately, we need folks to please be a bit more aware of one another's space. A little bit of self awareness will go a long way. When there are like ten or fifteen or more folks in a room, there needs to be less pontification and/or mic hogging. Keep it to a sentence or two and let up on the button, so other folks can also have a chance to participate. - i.e.
Respect one another & the ebb & flow of the conversation - Listen First - Talk Briefly - Lurk Moar
Let's remember that no one really knows Jack Shit at the end of the day and if you THINK you do.... take it to I AM AN EXPERT AT EVERYTHING room