Message from @woverine61254

Discord ID: 661945018801717258

2020-01-01 14:35:49 UTC  

See it!!

2020-01-01 14:36:51 UTC

2020-01-01 14:37:12 UTC

2020-01-01 14:37:18 UTC  

Levit was an arrorney in the C-A under George Tenet. George Tenet and Boren were lovers!! Can you spell Senator and University President blackmailed? Yep. You better believe it!!

2020-01-01 14:40:47 UTC

2020-01-01 14:41:05 UTC

2020-01-01 14:43:23 UTC  

On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, CIA Director George Tenet had breakfast with former Sen. David Boren (D.-Oklahoma) at the St. Regis Hotel in Washington. According to Bob Woodward's account in "Bush at War," Boren asked Tenet, "What are you worried about these days?"

2020-01-01 14:46:29 UTC

2020-01-01 14:47:29 UTC  

He was no rocket scientist, but he was grounded in the political process, he worked very hard, and he had good relations with other members of the committee." Committee Chairman David Boren, an Oklahoma Democrat, promoted Tenet to staff director in 1988. That winter, Tenet made his mark by drafting a position on the Reagan administration's Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty that was acceptable to both Republicans and Democrats. Then, in 1993, Tenet joined the Clinton White House as a national security staffer, where he drafted Presidential Decision Directive-35, which laid out priorities for the intelligence community

2020-01-01 14:49:27 UTC

2020-01-01 14:49:39 UTC  

Mega>Epstein>Mossad>Boren>Tenet>Clown Control!

2020-01-01 14:52:09 UTC

2020-01-01 14:53:10 UTC

2020-01-01 14:54:56 UTC  

Trump is waiting for a "green" light from Kim? Korean "Vase." A "vessel" a stretch…?

Trump on Kim Jong Un: "I know he's sending out certain messages about Christmas presents and I hope his Christmas present is a beautiful vase. That's what I'd like, a vase."

2020-01-01 14:56:12 UTC  
2020-01-01 14:56:42 UTC

2020-01-01 14:57:06 UTC

2020-01-01 14:57:08 UTC  

Malania's Dress 🤔

2020-01-01 14:57:09 UTC  

In February of 2001 the supposed 20th hijacker, Zacharias Mossaoui, trained at Airman in Norman and lived in a University of Oklahoma Dormitory. [ Oklahoma Gazette ] He later moved off campus into a house he shared with Melvin Lattimore, a man with links to the World Trade Center bombing in 1993 and the OKC bombing. In April of that year, the FBI documents that hijacker Salem al-Hamzi was seen visiting this house. That same month another hijacker, Nawaf al-Hamzi, was issued a speeding ticket in Oklahoma so he very well may have visited this 0ff-campus terrorist party pad also. And although al-Hamzi was seen at an al-Qaeda conference in Malaysia the previous year and afterward followed to the United States by the CIA, his name did not trigger any red flags when he was pulled over. [ Daily Oklahoman ]

2020-01-01 14:57:27 UTC  

In February of 2001 the supposed 20th hijacker, Zacharias Mossaoui, trained at Airman in Norman and lived in a University of Oklahoma Dormitory. [ Oklahoma Gazette ] He later moved off campus into a house he shared with Melvin Lattimore, a man with links to the World Trade Center bombing in 1993 and the OKC bombing. In April of that year, the FBI documents that hijacker Salem al-Hamzi was seen visiting this house. That same month another hijacker, Nawaf al-Hamzi, was issued a speeding ticket in Oklahoma so he very well may have visited this 0ff-campus terrorist party pad also. And although al-Hamzi was seen at an al-Qaeda conference in Malaysia the previous year and afterward followed to the United States by the CIA, his name did not trigger any red flags when he was pulled over. [ Daily Oklahoman ]

2020-01-01 14:58:53 UTC  

George Tenet owed a lot to David Boren. Prior to his appointment as CIA Director, Tenet had absolutely no intelligence experience or training. In fact, his only qualification seems to have been that he was on David Boren’s congressional staff, back when he was Senator Boren. But David Boren was not your usual Senator,

David Boren is a political institution in Oklahoma. In the seventies he was in the House of Representatives, then he served as Governor. He later ran for Senate and served the longest tenure until that time as Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. During that time Boren propped up Robert Gates’ nomination for CIA Director, despite Gates’ controversial record as a CIA analyst of inflating the Soviet threat to the benefit of defense contractors. Robert Gates in now Secretary of Defense, in charge of the Global War on Terror. Give that room for thought. [Breakdown: How America’s Intelligence Failures led to September 1, Bill Gertz]

2020-01-01 14:59:23 UTC  

Note: Searcher has an anon response to UN presence farther down. Please read before reposting this info anywhere else😁

2020-01-01 14:59:29 UTC

2020-01-01 15:00:24 UTC  

David Boren is also a member of the fabled Skull and Bones Society out of Yale, a brother-in-secrecy to two George Bushes, despite being a lifelong Democrat. David Boren has always nursed presidential ambitions but his homosexuality was outed by his former roommate at Oxford University, Professor W. Scott Thompson in his book, The Price of Achievement. The release of this book in 1994 precipitated Boren’s foregoing of another term in the Senate despite his potential and ambition. He flirted with a presidential nomination from the Reform Party but perhaps was unwilling to face his past as outlined in the book. Now he nurses hope for his son, also named David, who is now in the House of Representatives.

2020-01-01 15:00:55 UTC

2020-01-01 15:01:27 UTC  

As President of the University of Oklahoma, in the Summer of 2001 he appointed to OU CIA officer David Edger, described as a CIA officer-in-residence on the OU website. Edger had a strange career, even for a CIA agent. Edger was serving in Chile on September 11, 1973, when the CIA overthrew the elected leader of that country, Salvador Allende. Following Allende’s death thousands of Chileans were tortured and murdered to secure the puppet government. Edger was later Aldrich Ames’ supervisor when that agent was arrested for spying for the Soviets. Edger went on to become Deputy Director for Intelligence for the Directorate of Operations, the covert action arm of the CIA. []

2020-01-01 15:03:00 UTC  

This guy is a big problem!

2020-01-01 15:04:53 UTC  

House Rules - As we have been growing a bunch lately, we need folks to please be a bit more aware of one another's space. A little bit of self awareness will go a long way. When there are like ten or fifteen or more folks in a room, there needs to be less pontification and/or mic hogging. Keep it to a sentence or two and let up on the button, so other folks can also have a chance to participate. - i.e.
Respect one another & the ebb & flow of the conversation - Listen First - Talk Briefly - Lurk Moar
Let's remember that no one really knows Jack Shit at the end of the day and if you THINK you do.... take it to I AM AN EXPERT AT EVERYTHING room

2020-01-01 15:15:09 UTC  

I bet the house did