Message from @Dina

Discord ID: 663143771986329608

2020-01-04 21:48:12 UTC  

@woverine61254 kerry should also say , daughter married Iran

2020-01-04 21:50:06 UTC  

Joe is doneπŸ‘† Q post "It was over before it started"

2020-01-04 21:55:22 UTC  
2020-01-04 22:02:27 UTC

2020-01-04 22:03:25 UTC

2020-01-04 22:03:51 UTC

2020-01-04 22:04:05 UTC  


First two images I posted are natural Earthquake lights off Indonesia.

I think this is probably a satellite weapon, they have different types. Some start wildfires, some induce/dissipate storms and some vaporize targets and trigger earthquakes.

This is one reason Space Force is so significant. Technology exists that most would struggle to accept.
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2020-01-04 22:04:56 UTC

2020-01-04 22:05:35 UTC

2020-01-04 22:06:42 UTC

2020-01-04 22:08:03 UTC  

Hard to describe how Discord has been acting lately.
Just sticking with Wonky & Jonky.
<a:pickle_rick_dab:513162469556879360> <a:PepoDanceLS:513138303814598669> <:fingerscrossed:480435699187843082>

2020-01-04 22:08:35 UTC  

>USSS Space Triangles

TR3-B. Has a video expert anon checked out the clip of one of these firing at ground targets in Afghanistan? It looks like they have very efficient and fast firing "rail gun" tech.
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2020-01-04 22:09:17 UTC

2020-01-04 22:10:00 UTC

2020-01-04 22:11:03 UTC

2020-01-04 22:11:53 UTC

2020-01-04 22:16:35 UTC
#OTD in 1989, two F-14 Tomcats shot down two Libyan MiG 23 Floggers near Tobruk after the Libyan fighters made maneuvers that the American pilots believed displayed ''clear hostile intent'' over international waters

2020-01-04 22:36:03 UTC  
2020-01-04 22:43:17 UTC

2020-01-04 23:02:26 UTC  
2020-01-04 23:04:02 UTC  

An oldie but a goodie <:trump_laughing:541969089564770305>

2020-01-04 23:04:53 UTC  

House Rules - As we have been growing a bunch lately, we need folks to please be a bit more aware of one another's space. A little bit of self awareness will go a long way. When there are like ten or fifteen or more folks in a room, there needs to be less pontification and/or mic hogging. Keep it to a sentence or two and let up on the button, so other folks can also have a chance to participate. - i.e.
Respect one another & the ebb & flow of the conversation - Listen First - Talk Briefly - Lurk Moar
Let's remember that no one really knows Jack Shit at the end of the day and if you THINK you do.... take it to I AM AN EXPERT AT EVERYTHING room

2020-01-04 23:12:33 UTC  

compare to Trump Tweet on 52 sights target

2020-01-04 23:19:18 UTC

2020-01-04 23:19:57 UTC  

Things that make you think...


For months now on the news and all social media all you hear about is the impeachment of our president. I myself did not until the last few days realize what the democrats are wanting us NOT to pay attention to. The fact that right at this moment the whole state of Virginia is about to form a militia because they are about to lose their gun rights. Not only gun rights but all forms of self defense. They are trying to pass a law that makes it illegal to use bows, cross bows, and hunting knives. They are trying to pass a law to make illegal to practice martial arts of any kind. ANY instructor who teaches in the state of Virginia will become a FELON. Then to add insult to injury they have placed a Muslim in as director of the BOARD OF EDUCATION!!! The democrats DO NOT have your best interest at heart. They have their own goals that have nothing to do with trying to protect WE THE PEOPLE. IF WE DO NOT stand up for ourselves we are going to end up like Venezuela and eating dogs and cats. Think it can't happen... It took less than 10 years there and they were one of the most thriving countries in the world. They have no rights what so ever. They have no protection and no food. All I have to say, like them or hate them the ONLY ONES who are standing between us and the Democratic Agenda is JESUS CHRIST and DONALD TRUMP. Millennial's better get their heads out of their asses and pay attention to the real issues. And not be looking at the 1 proposed bill making Marijuana Legal in Va. THE ISSUES are not rather or not someone called someone a racist name 40 years ago. It is not the impeachment of our President. WE THE PEOPLE better stand up for ourselves, our children and grandchildren, you better vote these crazies out or there is going to be nothing left of WE THE PEOPLE!! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ