Message from @KARmA KATʑ

Discord ID: 680241547681202305

2020-02-21 02:19:22 UTC  

How do you hit at the heart of the BEAST?
Take out the BEAST.
Who sits at the Head of the BEAST?
ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME......The Vatican.

2020-02-21 02:20:56 UTC  

@PrairieGhost been kinda thinking it would be Soros too lately.

2020-02-21 02:22:07 UTC

2020-02-21 02:23:06 UTC  

George W Bush.

2020-02-21 02:27:59 UTC  


2020-02-21 02:28:10 UTC  


2020-02-21 02:28:11 UTC  

Have you all seen this? Is this even true?

2020-02-21 02:29:55 UTC  


2020-02-21 02:30:06 UTC  

Just never heard of it

2020-02-21 02:30:48 UTC

2020-02-21 02:31:31 UTC  


2020-02-21 02:35:36 UTC  

Nimrod & Meathos screwed EVERYTHING up.
They twisted EVERYTHING to the Darkside of
Lucifer Satan the devil.
The Egyptians god are myths, made-up.
If they were the "ONE TRU GOD" they'd not had
a "timeline of rule"place upon them. They'd still be Ruling.
Freemasonry & Egyptian Mythology are one in the same.
Freemasons worship them.

2020-02-21 02:36:05 UTC  

Took the EYE and twisted it to their BS.
The Paleo-Hebrew EYE symbol belongs to God, not Nimrod nor Freemasonry.
Freemasonry is not to be taken seriosuly.
No Secret Society is to be taken seriously.
If these so called "Men" needed an organizatrional group to talk about how to be "Better Men" then why did they not open it up within the Church for the public?
They went into the Darkness to cover thier Sins.

2020-02-21 02:36:19 UTC

2020-02-21 02:39:06 UTC  
2020-02-21 02:43:02 UTC

2020-02-21 02:53:06 UTC  


2020-02-21 02:53:11 UTC  


2020-02-21 02:53:22 UTC  

Patel is an Indian surname, predominantly in the state of Gujarat, India, representing a community of farmers and later (with the British East India Company) agriculturalists and merchants. The surname was a status name referring to village chieftains during medieval ages, and was later adopted by various communities of land owners.[1] including the Patidars, Kolis, some Parsis and Muslims.[2][3] Today, there are currently two major branches of people bearing the surname: Leuva and Kadva.[4] The branches are distinguished mainly by geographic location and varying cultural practices. There are roughly 500,000 Patels outside India, including 150,000 in Britain and 150,000 in the US.[5] Nearly 1 in 10 people of Indian origin in the US is a Patel.[5]

2020-02-21 02:54:06 UTC