Message from @Tails

Discord ID: 681811601199857664

2020-02-25 09:28:08 UTC  
2020-02-25 09:28:22 UTC  

This is coming up in 95 mins or so for some reason

2020-02-25 09:36:19 UTC  

We at In2TL thank you all for your participation, inviting friends and helping our server grow. As we grow, we need to remind everyone of our Code of Conduct. When presenting information as FACT, be prepared to provide the “Sauce” to back the FACT. If you have a theory or opinion please state it as such, not as FACT. In the coming months, as people gravitate to our movement and possibly our server, they may be completely unaware of topics we have and will research. Keep this in mind when we discuss sensitive topics.

When speaking, especially when there are many people in the room, keep it concise and try to be brief. Give everyone a chance to speak and please allow each other to finish speaking. If you and one other person are monopolizing the conversation, especially if it is just “chit chat” with no real value to our research, take it to one of the other voice rooms (we have many) so as not to impede the research, which is the main reason we are here.

2020-02-25 09:55:35 UTC

2020-02-25 09:55:45 UTC  
2020-02-25 09:56:03 UTC  

This right here maybe some type of message in a few ways

2020-02-25 09:56:19 UTC  

One first being a message for a system test. A Ping will just test if a network is on line it maybe a conformation. Of testing going on...

There has been a lot of action particularly against Israel by terrorist... I believe the weapons going to Libya from Iran was a coordinated effort. However thoughts did not make it. Notice how the attacks on Israel as Mr. T is In India which have a very different history with Islamic people... Pakistan is right next door and that is where a lot more goes on then people think. They are normally not on good terms with India... it was always Islamic raiders that would basically raid the Hindu temps... very brutal. That being said I believe this attack on Israel is an indirect way at trying to cause trouble for Mr. T the timing of his trip... and being that Palestine terrorist... have lines all the way to Pakistan mostly through Iran.

2020-02-25 09:56:48 UTC  

: Old to some - New to many. Pardon audio quality /RE: drop3882 a pure study in DC think tank elite body language and question evasion gibberish ... Col West wraps it up at the end beautifully "principal leadership". "Dark to Light" - funny to look back now and reflect on all of the complicity(Awans,the squad, CAIR, and so much more) when the financial filters begin to be removed.

2020-02-25 10:15:26 UTC  
2020-02-25 10:25:05 UTC  

***A Domestic Organization does not need a "Treaty" to operate on American Soil but a Foreign organization does.***

2020-02-25 10:27:52 UTC  

**The Vaccine Injury Compensation System**

2020-02-25 10:30:05 UTC  

@Tails We debunked the "PING" post that was posted by Defcon that Joe M responded to. It seems that account is not affiliated with the government.

2020-02-25 10:35:53 UTC

2020-02-25 10:37:59 UTC  

@KARmA KATʑ yep you are correct but still a group of people that are collecting data in this area and have for 36 years I guess... it is worth still noting they are not just no one however good place to look into as if they are Left maybe a front

2020-02-25 10:42:15 UTC  

@Tails yes. I agree that it could be be a joke by the Leftists- they know the Conspiracy Theorists eat that kind of stuff for lunch. <:cat_peeker:657301960092942350>

2020-02-25 10:44:36 UTC  

The owners favorite show was battle star galactic... I am not going to lie I like the show to until Alison MAC thing came out

2020-02-25 10:44:58 UTC  

They are not a non profit but take donations for Salvation Army

2020-02-25 10:45:37 UTC  

They say they are non partisan or religious but again not what people say what they do.

2020-02-25 10:48:07 UTC  

It's a really crappy looking website too. If one wants to look credible and legit, they would build a better website. No?

2020-02-25 10:50:56 UTC

2020-02-25 10:51:12 UTC  

It talked about funding and how they may have to try and think if a ways to get some

2020-02-25 10:51:27 UTC  


2020-02-25 10:52:31 UTC  

It was only interesting they consider themselves privet intel which means they may have relationships with a few sources

2020-02-25 10:53:33 UTC  
2020-02-25 10:53:43 UTC  

Going to start soon 7 mins or so

2020-02-25 10:54:19 UTC  

Yeah, and don't be fooled with the blue check mark by twatter.

2020-02-25 10:54:30 UTC  


2020-02-25 10:54:34 UTC  

Time zone difference with India and by so late but still saying URGENT

2020-02-25 10:57:06 UTC

2020-02-25 10:57:53 UTC  

@Tails I found copies of his itineraries.