Message from @Marker

Discord ID: 537941273970081802

2019-01-24 10:23:31 UTC  

Ever read this one

2019-01-24 10:23:42 UTC  

It explains capitalism in more depth than what I learned studying business in college for 3 years lmao

2019-01-24 10:23:46 UTC  

I don't think I have

2019-01-24 10:23:57 UTC  

How about this?

2019-01-24 10:24:01 UTC  


2019-01-24 10:24:04 UTC  

Definitely not

2019-01-24 10:24:26 UTC  

How bout this one

2019-01-24 10:24:49 UTC  

or this?

2019-01-24 10:24:57 UTC  

Fun fact about secret societies, my grandfather knows some guy in the freemasons lmfao

2019-01-24 10:25:17 UTC  

They're just boring rich dudes who talk about investing capital while drinking expensive wines

2019-01-24 10:25:33 UTC  

how about these

2019-01-24 10:25:39 UTC  

Ah yes Joseph goebbels

2019-01-24 10:25:47 UTC  

What do you think of him?

2019-01-24 10:26:11 UTC  

ooohh how about this one

2019-01-24 10:26:34 UTC  

Whay do you think about Joseph Goebbels?

2019-01-24 10:26:58 UTC  

Congratulations, @Red Car for reaching level 5!

2019-01-24 10:27:22 UTC  

Stop avoiding my question lmao

2019-01-24 10:27:47 UTC  

Joseph Goebells had some very good insights

2019-01-24 10:27:56 UTC  

In what

2019-01-24 10:28:42 UTC  

This one you really must read

2019-01-24 10:28:51 UTC  

On many things

2019-01-24 10:29:08 UTC  

Im more interested on what you read

2019-01-24 10:29:10 UTC  

So you would call yourself a fan of Joseph Goebbels

2019-01-24 10:29:26 UTC  

Im interested in peoples insights

2019-01-24 10:29:42 UTC  

But do you support his worldview

2019-01-24 10:29:57 UTC  

I like to understand why people think the way they do

2019-01-24 10:30:10 UTC  

Why do people think the way I think then

2019-01-24 10:30:24 UTC  

Im not sure

2019-01-24 10:30:30 UTC  

trying to figure it out

2019-01-24 10:30:50 UTC  

I can imagine Joseph Goebbels thought it was Jewish mind control or something similar

2019-01-24 10:30:58 UTC  


2019-01-24 10:31:28 UTC  

so is it safe to say you have romanticized Communism?