Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 666843205794398219

2020-01-15 03:13:13 UTC  

I love ouzo

2020-01-15 03:13:26 UTC  

Fourth I fell down the stairs again

2020-01-15 03:13:27 UTC  

drank 2 glasses of it once and I didn't even feel tipsy wtf

2020-01-15 03:13:33 UTC  

and that shit is like 40% alcohol

2020-01-15 03:13:39 UTC  

I'm immune to it I swear

2020-01-15 03:13:53 UTC  

maybe because I just drank it slowly/in sips and not down it like a retard

2020-01-15 03:14:21 UTC  

I dont find drinking or smoking degenerate honestly, its not so much about taking something its about being dependent on it

2020-01-15 03:14:31 UTC  

Or it causing severe damage to your body

2020-01-15 03:14:37 UTC  

Like heavy drugs do

2020-01-15 03:14:55 UTC  

beers on the other hand is mostly just water and grains, most of the time only 5% alcohol

2020-01-15 03:15:00 UTC  

so they are pretty safe

2020-01-15 03:15:07 UTC  

to get drunk on even

2020-01-15 03:15:21 UTC  

the worst is mixing drinks, especially heavy ones with all kinds of shit

2020-01-15 03:15:22 UTC  

Getting drunk on beer can be annoying tho

2020-01-15 03:15:30 UTC  

You will tired of beer by the time you are drunk

2020-01-15 03:16:05 UTC  

I have a friend who told me he almost blacked out completely from mixing drinks

2020-01-15 03:16:11 UTC  

like he thought he died and came back to life

2020-01-15 03:16:30 UTC  

felt like shit afterwards and vomited the worst he ever had in his life

2020-01-15 03:16:30 UTC  

What mind of drinks did he mix

2020-01-15 03:16:48 UTC  

like complete blackout, your eyesight, hearing, everything goes poof in an instant

2020-01-15 03:16:49 UTC  

Because everyone I lnow mixes drinks and no one ever passed out

2020-01-15 03:17:05 UTC  

Also dont mix weed and drinks

2020-01-15 03:17:15 UTC  

One cuts the effect of the other

2020-01-15 03:17:24 UTC  

And you will star feeling sick

2020-01-15 03:17:40 UTC  

vodkas, whiskey, ouzo, wine and etc, can't remember exactly, but he told me he was experimenting with friends, it was actually more like a mix in a pan/cauldron

2020-01-15 03:17:45 UTC  

they were doing stupid shit at home

2020-01-15 03:17:48 UTC  

some kind of dare thing

2020-01-15 03:18:05 UTC  

trying to mix every alcohol possible

2020-01-15 03:18:09 UTC  

Last time I did a dare I took like 5 shots of vodka with hot sauce in a row

2020-01-15 03:18:10 UTC  

and try it

2020-01-15 03:18:23 UTC  

I tasted vodka before

2020-01-15 03:18:32 UTC  

And then got puked on

2020-01-15 03:18:38 UTC  

it's literally the most neutral alcoholic drink I've ever tasted

2020-01-15 03:18:43 UTC  

about as neutral as water

2020-01-15 03:18:46 UTC  

pretty boring tbh

2020-01-15 03:18:54 UTC  

except it has that burning alcoholic sensation of course

2020-01-15 03:19:06 UTC  

Vodka is meh

2020-01-15 03:19:10 UTC  

I used to like it more

2020-01-15 03:19:17 UTC  

But now meh

2020-01-15 03:19:26 UTC  

Also getting puked on aint fun

2020-01-15 03:19:32 UTC  

Very annoying in fact