Discord ID: 666848769517551629

2020-01-15 03:34:47 UTC  

I just respond with homofash memes now anyways

2020-01-15 03:34:51 UTC  

I take it with a pinch of salt

2020-01-15 03:35:11 UTC  

as with the turk meme also I just go kara boga mode

2020-01-15 03:35:16 UTC  

Hey I found some very old photos on my phone

2020-01-15 03:35:21 UTC

2020-01-15 03:35:24 UTC  

Well not very old

2020-01-15 03:35:29 UTC  


2020-01-15 03:35:32 UTC  


2020-01-15 03:35:56 UTC  

im somewhat of a nazi myself

2020-01-15 03:36:50 UTC  

Im a Natsyn

2020-01-15 03:37:01 UTC  


2020-01-15 03:37:01 UTC  

But I like Natsocs

2020-01-15 03:37:15 UTC  


2020-01-15 03:37:21 UTC  

I just tend to like Third Positionists in general

2020-01-15 03:37:40 UTC  

so ur a falangist basically lol

2020-01-15 03:37:46 UTC  


2020-01-15 03:37:51 UTC  


2020-01-15 03:37:53 UTC  

it's the same worldview, just different characteristics

2020-01-15 03:37:54 UTC  


2020-01-15 03:37:58 UTC  

But I dont like the whole Pan Iberian ideas

2020-01-15 03:38:56 UTC  

depending on the nation, culture, people ofc and the individual, third position varies

2020-01-15 03:39:03 UTC  

I get why Spanish Fascists want that, but they can fuck off

2020-01-15 03:39:11 UTC  

I respect all third positionist ideas as long as they are racialist

2020-01-15 03:39:25 UTC  

because I despise (((civnats)))

2020-01-15 03:39:31 UTC  

You cant be a Third Positionist and not me racialist to some degree

2020-01-15 03:39:56 UTC  

Civnats arent nats, a nation is nothing without its people

2020-01-15 03:40:55 UTC  

I've seen faggots argue "fascism wuz not racist!!!11!!1"

2020-01-15 03:41:10 UTC  

or whatever before

2020-01-15 03:41:26 UTC  

there are several shills who claim to be third positionists

2020-01-15 03:42:34 UTC  

Well it isnt

2020-01-15 03:42:38 UTC  

Its racialist

2020-01-15 03:42:48 UTC  

Racism is a madeup for a madeup thing

2020-01-15 03:43:06 UTC  

Descrimination based on race seen as bad thing

2020-01-15 03:43:26 UTC  

Its the same as saying that descriminating based on family is bad thing

2020-01-15 03:43:57 UTC  

Every chad is racist

2020-01-15 03:44:06 UTC  

it's mostly a thing with Italian Fascism I think as there are those who claim that they were tolerant to jews and niggers who lived in Italy

2020-01-15 03:44:09 UTC  

or whatever

2020-01-15 03:44:13 UTC  

which is sort of cringe

2020-01-15 03:44:19 UTC  

They were to some

2020-01-15 03:44:22 UTC  

from what I heard/read at least

2020-01-15 03:44:26 UTC  

But then again so was the Third Reich