Message from @karat

Discord ID: 541562171637628936

2019-02-03 01:23:16 UTC  

Who ruled Venezuela in the 1930s-40s?

2019-02-03 01:23:21 UTC  

Wasn’t he fascist

2019-02-03 01:39:32 UTC  

Pérez Jiménez?

2019-02-03 01:39:33 UTC  


2019-02-03 01:39:36 UTC  

anyways so

2019-02-03 01:39:54 UTC  

during the 1930's and 1940's Venezuela was ruled by Nationalist Generals

2019-02-03 01:55:03 UTC  

For communists this means military dictatorship 😅

2019-02-03 01:58:06 UTC  

i know right

2019-02-03 01:58:18 UTC  

Check out (@Black_Pilled):
Devon Stack Twitter was terminated 🙄

2019-02-03 02:55:16 UTC  


2019-02-03 03:35:29 UTC
based Vincent James is based

2019-02-03 03:57:33 UTC  

i need epic memes stat

2019-02-03 03:57:40 UTC  


2019-02-03 04:00:28 UTC

2019-02-03 04:35:05 UTC

2019-02-03 04:42:32 UTC

2019-02-03 04:42:41 UTC  

kink bear

2019-02-03 10:13:30 UTC  

Small summary how Anons see the current situation: Venezuela. Venezuela is the last stronghold of the petro-dollar in which, as the name implies, petroleum is paid in dollars. Trump undermines (accidentally (?) In the limited 15 days of the reopening of the government) the UN (NWO Association) by recognizing the "self-proclaimed" opposition leader Juan Guaído as president of Venezuela. That could lead to the dissolution of the UN. Maduro has a lot of gold reserves fly to Venezuela. Maduro will probably prevail and put an end to the petro-dollar by will also accept yuan for the payment of oil. This, in turn, will collapse the (private) Federal Reserve Bank and allow Trump to introduce a Gold-Plated Dollar into the Glass-Steagall Act. UNITED STATES: The Mueller investigation is almost complete. There is no evidence of involvement of the Russians in Trump's election campaign. After publishing Mueller's results, Trump could finally release the FISA documents and reveal exactly the opposite of the Mueller investigation. That could lead to the unsealing of over 70,000 charges and mass arrests. On 05.02.2019 is the SOTU - The State of the Union address, before the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is so afraid. If she does not stop this speech, Trump could also announce big things about Democrats / Wall / Treachery there. Probably to prevent the SOTU could exactly on 05.02. officially announced Ruth Bader Ginsberg's death. There are exciting times right now. The calm before the storm could end very soon.

2019-02-03 10:14:14 UTC  

it was translated with google translate <:top:446311393000685579>

2019-02-03 10:14:43 UTC  

so tag me if something doesnt seem to make sense in the text,

2019-02-03 10:21:13 UTC  
2019-02-03 10:24:49 UTC  

Macron's dogs are so tired that they hurt them selves 😂

2019-02-03 10:26:46 UTC

2019-02-03 10:26:52 UTC  

Face recognition in a classroom in China; these systems stay on for the entire duration of the class, continually scanning students 'faces every 30 seconds, recording the students' actions / expressions and categorizing them into happy, confused, writing, reading, etc.

2019-02-03 10:36:21 UTC  

I find it hard to beleave in the UN story but it is our only hope currently

2019-02-03 13:07:28 UTC

2019-02-03 13:08:01 UTC  
2019-02-03 13:10:12 UTC

2019-02-03 13:11:12 UTC  

Hey did someone ping me?

2019-02-03 13:11:25 UTC  


2019-02-03 13:11:29 UTC  

scroll up

2019-02-03 13:11:33 UTC  

Oh jeez I see

2019-02-03 13:11:36 UTC  

That's awesome dude

2019-02-03 13:11:56 UTC  

I have like waaaaaaaaaay more

2019-02-03 13:12:07 UTC  

but I dont want to bore you

2019-02-03 13:16:34 UTC

2019-02-03 13:17:36 UTC  

English Congress vs Brazilian Congress <:over_dabbing:435055035722891284>