Message from @Gesundheit

Discord ID: 553647178447585310

2019-03-08 18:31:09 UTC  

But that doesn't mean that all women base their actions off emotions

2019-03-08 18:31:16 UTC  

Chill mate

2019-03-08 18:31:27 UTC  

@YaarM8ty no insults bro

2019-03-08 18:31:47 UTC  

He is just really mad atm lol

2019-03-08 18:32:18 UTC  

I don't blame him though I mean he is saying some pretty radical shit

2019-03-08 18:32:43 UTC  

I will gas all of ye

2019-03-08 18:32:46 UTC  

I mean I don't think that we should discriminate

2019-03-08 18:33:16 UTC  

@Lieutenant Phys You are aware you're talking to a leftist NPC, yes ?

2019-03-08 18:33:25 UTC  

I know right

2019-03-08 18:33:27 UTC  

or a troll

2019-03-08 18:33:32 UTC  

Fucking normies man

2019-03-08 18:33:41 UTC  

I give them evidence they just cry like pussies

2019-03-08 18:33:41 UTC  

rule number #verylownumber of the internet: don't feed the trolls

2019-03-08 18:34:08 UTC  

didnt hardcase say he is conservative?

2019-03-08 18:34:24 UTC  
2019-03-08 18:34:31 UTC  

trolls don't care what they say, they're only about antagonizing others just to make them mad.

2019-03-08 18:34:36 UTC  

Gesundheit they are western republicans probably, the most liberal right wingers that exist on this planet

2019-03-08 18:35:00 UTC  

cheap online entertainment

2019-03-08 18:35:06 UTC  

for incels and the like

2019-03-08 18:35:11 UTC  

Well they are a minority in their own country already so yeah

2019-03-08 18:36:13 UTC  

no matter what link you provide, they'll just scoff and call it muh conspiracy.

2019-03-08 18:36:21 UTC  


2019-03-08 18:36:24 UTC  

I've seen this kind of behavior before

2019-03-08 18:36:24 UTC  

really sad

2019-03-08 18:36:26 UTC  


2019-03-08 18:36:31 UTC  

That's what these guys do

2019-03-08 18:36:40 UTC  

@karat I have respect for you man, you look into my evidence

2019-03-08 18:36:45 UTC  

These guys though, yikes

2019-03-08 18:37:06 UTC  

@Lieutenant Phys I see the problems you see

2019-03-08 18:37:20 UTC  

but I have other solutions

2019-03-08 18:37:25 UTC  


2019-03-08 18:37:42 UTC  

I don't want my people to become a minority in their own country due to this migration shit

2019-03-08 18:37:57 UTC  

And these 'conservatives' say it is OKAY to replace the entire fucking population with aliens

2019-03-08 18:37:59 UTC  

I am a conservative

2019-03-08 18:38:06 UTC  

I don't believe in racism

2019-03-08 18:38:08 UTC  

Yes and you aren't conserving jack shit

2019-03-08 18:38:14 UTC  

That is fucking wrong

2019-03-08 18:38:19 UTC  

CUCKservative, FTFY

2019-03-08 18:38:20 UTC  

We need gold currency now!

2019-03-08 18:38:36 UTC  

wait a minute all chatting in here

2019-03-08 18:38:44 UTC