[501st] (Nova_Film) Hardcase

Discord ID: 318417412926078979

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I'm here to slay liberals


They spelled Rember wrong

Its for chatting rember the rules apply

Might wanna change that

Don't want any libs calling us stupid

Because of our political beliefs

They are always wrong

I think we should ship all the liberals on an island

And see how long they survive

So much fun

Watching all the betas being killed

Oh glorious

I wish

Soy boys lmfao

Oh God

I wonder how well that would work for them

Cheese is good nobody steals cheese <:Heilthink:538459507718881300>

I can't VC

I'm working

But after I might


Google Translate

Is a beautiful thing

That's great

North Carolina

And naw no other questions

Wrong state lol

That's California

Yeah I'm originally from Minnesota

I am glad

I love the word serendipitous

So amazing

Not necessarily

Good morning


Good morning everyone

As a conservative, climate change is real mate. That shit is just science

It's like denying gravity. You can't say "Yeah well fuck gravity I don't believe in it."

It's when the libtards tell us to buy electric cars and shit that we object

I love Ben Shapiro

He is an intelligent lad.

He knows wtf he's talking about

Who gives a fuck

I wouldn't care if he was Muslim

He knows how to shut down people

Why a Jew

And you believe that bullshit?

From the same channel

Lmfao. He lives in America

Who cares

He believes in a different religion, I don't care

Oh yeah sureeeeee

And I am apart of the illuminati

I am secretly a reptilian

LOL half the shit you're saying the left would destroy you on

And there is a percentage of blacks who are conservative

Oh you're Antifa

What the fuck

Bruh you're fucking dumb as hell

I am a little racist

But not to the point you are

It is immoral

You shouldn't judge someone based off the color of their skin

They have a bad culture

That the left put there

It's not their faults. The left deceived them.

You're a fucking idiot. Where is the evidence

Oh yeah Ben Shapiro is secretly controlling and manipulating the right to become left

Bro. He is literally the most conservative person I know

The blackening?

I am not a racist

I am not a lunatic

I don't believe Ben Shapiro is a libtard.

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