Message from @Darjeeling
Discord ID: 288754654085382144
I don't think we'll need any
t. EMT
BTW good progress has been made on the gear list
Check it out and add suggestions in this thread
hey bro
I can't send pictures
3000 miles from any other land.
yeah i can't either, i think someone needs to verify us for that
>be cia
>be massive faggots
I've got class to go to
Keep my thread alive
Good self-defence and anti-antifa discussion going on
Didnt find any gear but got some nice boxes that I'ma shove a sever into one of
So I heard someone needs our help
It's in Oakland, more than likely
Spam that thread though, they mention us by name
that's not bait
it's confirmed that his arraignment was today, it was 9 am but it might've been pushed back
yeah he mentioned it in his video i beleieve
i wouldn't be surprised if antifa rolled up to cause trouble
probabaly good for his case
I just posted a reply to get him in contact with us.
Yeah, probably.
We'll see.
if anticom shows up and stirs trouble it may not help his case