Message from @Roko

Discord ID: 544170416692920331

2019-02-10 14:52:29 UTC  

One instance , you died

2019-02-10 14:52:36 UTC  

The other, you live

2019-02-10 14:52:49 UTC  

You mean parallel universes/multiverses?

2019-02-10 14:53:11 UTC  

That might be the case

2019-02-10 14:53:11 UTC  

Well the others, not sure

2019-02-10 14:53:30 UTC  

@Silent Massacre thats not what i meant

2019-02-10 14:53:36 UTC  

It's also highly possible that we're in a simulation. The chances of us being in the highest level are slim compared to in a lower level nested simulation

2019-02-10 14:54:18 UTC  

Define higher and lower level simulations.

2019-02-10 14:54:54 UTC  

See it like a pyramid. One is base reality right? Below that you might have realities created by that base reality in a simulation. Those simulations can have even deeper simulations until near infinity.

2019-02-10 14:55:34 UTC  

Assuming each simulation is highly realistic, you would never know how deep you are.

2019-02-10 14:55:57 UTC  

Would it be a far-off concept that all matter is simply highly-complex strings of quantum data

2019-02-10 14:56:13 UTC  

I love this type of discussion

2019-02-10 14:56:41 UTC  

@Silent Massacre That is not that weird. Our representation of the world is a fabrication of our brain. We just perceive the data and transform it to something that makes sense to us. It's the same as what you might find in a hidden layer of a neural network

2019-02-10 14:56:42 UTC  

I wonder what would happen if the Greek philosophers had our current technology.

2019-02-10 14:57:05 UTC  

They would wage war on the thots

2019-02-10 14:57:06 UTC  


2019-02-10 14:57:40 UTC  

This is what a neural network generates internally (this is random). It might be that our brain does the same to make sense of things

2019-02-10 14:57:51 UTC  


2019-02-10 14:58:52 UTC  

I'm gonna lose sleep over this kind of stuff but I'm not mad about it.

2019-02-10 14:58:57 UTC  


2019-02-10 14:59:21 UTC  

But on a more serious side-note, if you go deeper, or higher depending on the point of view.

The base reality, at the lowest level - while it probably reflects a lot of the rules in our universe - there might be things that are at their core chaos manifest.

2019-02-10 14:59:38 UTC  

For instance, infinities of time and space.

2019-02-10 15:00:54 UTC  

I've always thought about a quote in my head, and I'm paraphrasing, "Chaos is order yet to be deciphered" and "Time is merely a measure of change"

2019-02-10 15:01:20 UTC  

Only if you are not a photon travelling through space.

2019-02-10 15:01:36 UTC  


2019-02-10 15:02:38 UTC  

So let's call the base reality "steins gate" reality

We will have a lot of similarities with this base reality, but there are some key differences

2019-02-10 15:03:38 UTC  

Time and space might be infinities in both instances, but some infinities are larger than other infinities (Can be proven with math, can't explain this right now, google it)

2019-02-10 15:03:57 UTC  

Could it be that the higher up you go the reality pyramid, the faster light can travel?

2019-02-10 15:04:31 UTC  

That might explain quantum entanglement.

2019-02-10 15:04:37 UTC  

How so?

2019-02-10 15:05:08 UTC  

As far as my primitive brain goes, *tachyons* are the fastest-moving known particles

2019-02-10 15:07:36 UTC  

Scratch that, they're *hypothetical* particles so welp

2019-02-10 15:08:35 UTC  

The quantum particles use the higher dimensions to know the state of the other quantum particle and thus they can communicate ftl.

2019-02-10 15:09:09 UTC  

I'm trying to read this:

And it makes little sense to me

2019-02-10 15:09:49 UTC  


2019-02-10 15:10:00 UTC  

Did someone say STEINS GATE

2019-02-10 15:10:10 UTC  

Tbh, I only learned about the hypothesis of tachyons through Watchmen. XD

2019-02-10 15:11:59 UTC  

Okay, I think I understand it now

2019-02-10 15:12:27 UTC  

@Roko @JDB El Psy Kongroo.

2019-02-10 15:13:26 UTC  

So generally particles that aren't moving have a mass. We call this "rest mass". Anything with a positive mass cannot go faster than light.

Remember the god particle, a.k.a. higgs boson? This is responsible for giving things mass. If you remove this, the particle's minimum speed is the speed of light, and the maximum speed is infinity.