Message from @SFM_2046

Discord ID: 544233719410458695

2019-02-10 19:08:08 UTC  

But yup, it's so fucking dumb. Though I am noticing more guys that respond with some suspicion which is good

2019-02-10 19:08:09 UTC  

Basically some shit when down between me and this dumb whore on a bus back when I was a 14 year old freshman.

2019-02-10 19:08:15 UTC  

I called her a bitch.

2019-02-10 19:08:29 UTC  

And she stood up and said "what did you just call me"

2019-02-10 19:08:31 UTC  

dumbest move is forgetting men adapt

2019-02-10 19:08:47 UTC  

@[chase dreams] What happened?

2019-02-10 19:08:53 UTC  

what did you just call me <:lolz:480186121897377792> <:lolz:480186121897377792> <:lolz:480186121897377792>

2019-02-10 19:08:55 UTC  

so I said "I said you're a dumb fucking bitch"

2019-02-10 19:09:08 UTC  

So she punched me

2019-02-10 19:09:29 UTC  

should of knocked her the fuq out

2019-02-10 19:09:37 UTC  

And what did I do? I stood up and cracked her in the nose

2019-02-10 19:09:38 UTC  

if I only knew what I know now

2019-02-10 19:09:48 UTC  

boom Patriarchy

2019-02-10 19:10:03 UTC  

her punches were weak as fuck

2019-02-10 19:10:09 UTC  

I will say this to everyone:

If a woman hits you, hit her back

2019-02-10 19:10:10 UTC  


2019-02-10 19:10:21 UTC  

And don't care about the force you use.

2019-02-10 19:10:23 UTC  

why do i get shivers when i think of smth emotiona

2019-02-10 19:10:25 UTC  


2019-02-10 19:10:26 UTC  


2019-02-10 19:10:30 UTC  

there are men I've fought where I laughed when they connected.....bonobo protocol is real bro

2019-02-10 19:10:37 UTC  

if a chick hits me she's getting a swift punch in the liver

2019-02-10 19:10:45 UTC  

I've had a girl follow me in the boys bathroom and try to karate kick me in the stomach because I burbed really loud near her

2019-02-10 19:10:47 UTC  

Can I just bitch slap her lol?

2019-02-10 19:10:49 UTC  

didn't you see the guy that almost kills a woman because she hit him first?

2019-02-10 19:10:51 UTC  

trip bitch into some musical chairs

2019-02-10 19:11:05 UTC  
2019-02-10 19:11:11 UTC  

The chick went down to the floor and had to be put on coma lol

2019-02-10 19:11:12 UTC  

anyways, yeah, I punched her and she gets up and punches me again but can't even stagger me. Bus driver gets involved and she stops

2019-02-10 19:11:16 UTC  

Gotta give her the backhand. Don't be a bitch, be a pimp

2019-02-10 19:11:43 UTC  

use your swingin arm

2019-02-10 19:11:46 UTC  

You know, those fatherly slaps

2019-02-10 19:11:53 UTC  

Check Shitposting right know my brothers

2019-02-10 19:11:54 UTC  

Spell correction be on drugs

2019-02-10 19:12:04 UTC  

Not enough force to knock you but enough force to knock some sense in you

2019-02-10 19:12:11 UTC  

heroin slaps....some women get addicted

2019-02-10 19:12:16 UTC  

Later, I get comments about how I tried to rape a girl ***on a bus with multiple people around***

2019-02-10 19:12:25 UTC  

They saw what happened and sided with her.

2019-02-10 19:12:25 UTC  

Yeah, it's retarded

2019-02-10 19:12:37 UTC  


2019-02-10 19:12:37 UTC  

see you should of did the zangief on that hoe