Message from @Nawalter Jizney

Discord ID: 544279341161512990

2019-02-10 22:05:46 UTC  

@Nawalter Jizney Only a matter of time

2019-02-10 22:06:23 UTC  

@DeezNutzYourChin Captain Marvel has to tank hard for Hollywood to learn their lessson

2019-02-10 22:07:17 UTC  

We as single men have a dirty job to do in the near future. I don’t know about you guys but honestly I’m not ready.

2019-02-10 22:07:42 UTC  

@DeezNutzYourChin Elaborate padawan?

2019-02-10 22:07:43 UTC  

Not ready in terms of what?

2019-02-10 22:08:01 UTC  

Cause you don’t have to do anything tbh

2019-02-10 22:08:09 UTC  

Just dip out

2019-02-10 22:08:15 UTC  

Civil war man. I do t see any way around it now.

2019-02-10 22:08:36 UTC  

@DeezNutzYourChin the dirty job is just doing our won thing. That's really not 'dirty.' Its just an adjustment

2019-02-10 22:08:46 UTC  

What are you not prepared in?

2019-02-10 22:08:50 UTC  


2019-02-10 22:09:31 UTC  

Cause unless people here are overseas or in a group of 5 or more I don’t think anyone truly is either

2019-02-10 22:10:04 UTC  

By overseas I mean non western country

2019-02-10 22:10:15 UTC  

Exactly. I’m pretty much solo.

2019-02-10 22:10:23 UTC  

Alright, dishes done. Gonna put in this next load of laundry then play a game.

2019-02-10 22:10:27 UTC  


2019-02-10 22:10:33 UTC  

i doubt civil war will happen. people are to anesthitized by technology to care about anything. which has its pros for introverts

2019-02-10 22:10:56 UTC  

Dipping out is an option but my soul won’t allow me to do it

2019-02-10 22:11:07 UTC  

I’m of the mind that mgtow need to live closer to each other if they’re gonna stick it out

2019-02-10 22:11:40 UTC  

Amen man

2019-02-10 22:11:47 UTC  

I know the whole doxing thing and all that but we see this shitstorm coming

2019-02-10 22:11:53 UTC  

dude mgtow should create an off-the-grid community, and power everything with solar power

2019-02-10 22:12:11 UTC  

And create a survivalist area

2019-02-10 22:12:13 UTC  


2019-02-10 22:12:16 UTC  

I’m about a year away from being mobile. That’s the best plan I have at the moment. Sell the house, get a pull behind and find a better place to be

2019-02-10 22:12:21 UTC  

Right, but I’m saying, it has to actually be started

2019-02-10 22:12:37 UTC  

Yep. Pool our resources together?

2019-02-10 22:12:44 UTC  

Like I’m semi doing something but it’s not community worthy like that

2019-02-10 22:12:44 UTC  

good plan deeznutz, sounds fun

2019-02-10 22:12:49 UTC  

There will be an event. I don’t know what it’s going to be but it will become black and white.

2019-02-10 22:13:26 UTC  

Dr weird likes talking about this shit a lot

2019-02-10 22:13:46 UTC  

Head to D.C. with my AK

2019-02-10 22:13:58 UTC  

I’ll be waiting lol

2019-02-10 22:14:24 UTC  

See you there 👍🏻

2019-02-10 22:14:27 UTC  

I’m getting out of here frank castle style lol

2019-02-10 22:15:11 UTC  

Or I might just go to Florida once I’m done here

2019-02-10 22:15:46 UTC  

Out of where?

2019-02-10 22:15:52 UTC  

@Nawalter Jizney For godsakes, don't sleep with a post wall groupie thot on the way to Florida lol

2019-02-10 22:15:52 UTC  


2019-02-10 22:15:56 UTC  

MGTOW should just fund their community with the foreign aid the US sends to Israel

2019-02-10 22:16:02 UTC  

I’d like to see what Utah has to offer. Beautiful landscapes I know that much